Miss Nagode-3A

Love Always,

Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Matthew 22: 37-39

L.E.A.D.  love, excel, act, dream

Hello families!

About Miss Nagode:

I am excited to be at Saint Patrick School! I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education (K-6) and Master’s Degree in Special Education (PK-8) from Shippensburg University. My prior teaching experience includes 4th and 6th grade learning support and middle school Life Skills Support.


After attending RCIA, I was blessed at the Easter Vigil in 2023 with my confirmation as a Catholic at Saint Patrick Church in Carlisle. I believe my calling has led me to a teaching position at Saint Patrick School.


I believe learning derives from inspiration. Inspiration can motivate learning, challenge students intellectually, and help students obtain the skills and strategies they need to be successful inside and outside of school. By providing a learning environment that empowers students to challenge themselves intellectually, they will learn more than any textbook can convey.


Outside of the classroom, I have a variety of interests including scrapbooking, stained glass, bead-smithing, papercrafts, and model railroading. I have three cats, which are my fur babies.