What is the passport program?

During this school year, our Middle School classes will be embarking on a trip around the world! Each week, our classes will be exploring a new Spanish speaking country and learning about their culture, holidays, people, and more! We will be visiting all the Spanish speaking countries in the world, including some that are no longer predominantly Spanish speaking but have a lot of Spanish influence.

Each MS student will receive an SPS passport that they will be responsible for throughout the year. Each week, the students will complete two pages for the country we are visiting. Each grade will have a different assignment but will be studying the same country. Once completed, the students will receive a stamp in their passport (Although maybe not this year due to COVID_19 precautions).

This is a graded assignment and students that do not complete their passport pages each week will receive zero points for this assignment for the week. It takes the place of a traditional major project at the end of the semester or year. This way a major work effort that might usually be done hurriedly in a few days is spread out over the whole school year.

I hope that everyone enjoys this project and learns a lot about the Spanish speaking world. It should be a great adventure and we should all end the year with completed passports! By the completion of this project, at the end of a year or after three years, the student will have a nice portfolio of their work in Spanish.