
I am so excited to get the new school year started! The first day of school it Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022. I am looking forward to teaching all subjects this year. I will be piloting a new math series called Reveal Math. I spent time this summer getting to know the program and all the components of it including the online portion. There may be some "kinks" to work out as we start up, but we will work through them together. Last year I did genre studies with the students along with using our Journeys curriculum. This gave the students a chance to pick their own books within the different genres and help them enjoy reading a bit more. We will be using the science kits for BOCES as well as on online program called Mystery Science. For SS, we will be using current events, Scholastic New and resources from an online curriculum to meet the standards.

I will also be bringing back AAA Safety Patrol Program for students who are interested and are willing to responsible and be strong role models.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! I am looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Taylor


592-3217 x 5127

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