Springtown ISD

AI Capstone

How can you create a new community space for Springtown?


       On March 13, 2014, Springtown City Council and Community members broke ground on the city's splash pad at Springtown Park.  The Springtown Splash Pad officially opened May 24-25, 2014. After being open for 2 seasons (2014-2016), the Splash Pad began to develop water issues resulting in its closure before the start of Summer 2017. The location is currently under demolition and the City Council is brainstorming ideas for its future use.

Summary Statement

In our project, we will use the inquiry cycle to create a new community space for Springtown. Students will interact with chatbots in a Social Studies lesson to learn the history of how communities are formed, and to formulate ideas for how to best utilize an already designated space for community improvement and involvement. Students will research historical figures from the list to gain an understanding of how these figures shaped communities. Students will then question the historical figure chatbots to deepen their learning on how these individuals changed communities. They will then create their own chatbot to answer community questions regarding their plan for the former splash pad location. They will design a new space for the location and use generative AI to create an image that represents their designed space to present to their classmates.

Standards Addressed

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies, Grade 3
