
resolving conflict

This month we're focusing on ways to resolve a conflict. Kids need to learn to communicate their feelings clearly, without lashing out or making accusations. It's tough to practice communication skills when tensions are running high, so check out this month's resources including skills to practice before a conflict arises.

We hope you enjoy our resources this month and every month during our Year of PLAY!

Personalized Learning = Active You

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Click here for a printable pdf.


Visit the George S Patton Memorial Museum in Indio

Their mission is to promote peace by honoring the service and sacrifice of America's veterans while educating the public on modern U.S. military history through the preservation and interpretation of artifacts from the major conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Rip Away Your Conflict

Write your conflict on a piece of paper. Tear up pieces of watercolor paper to get your mad out.

Glue the torn paper over the top of your conflict. With each paper, repeat a conflict resolution skill you will use. Then resolve your conflict.

After the conflict is resolved, brush water color paint over the torn paper to re-color your feeling about the situation.

Make a Healthy "Feelings Faces" Snack

Recipe: Feelings Faces Snack

MAY Family Movie:


Twelve-year-old Ted (Zac Efron) lives in a place virtually devoid of nature; no flowers or trees grow in the town of Thneedville. Ted would very much like to win the heart of Audrey (Taylor Swift), the girl of his dreams, but to do this, he must find that which she most desires: a Truffula tree. To get it, Ted delves into the story of the Lorax (Danny DeVito), once the gruff guardian of the forest, and the Once-ler (Ed Helms), who let greed overtake his respect for nature.

Common Sense Media review

Apples to Apples

Players start with a hand of seven "red apple" cards, which feature nouns. A player is selected to be the first judge, and that judge plays a "green apple" card, which features an adjective. The round is won by playing the "red apple" card that the judge determines to be the best match for the "green apple" card.


Be part of a CARING COMMUNITY, COMMUNICATE to build friendships, CONNECT with themselves and others, have CONFIDENCE and self-esteem, COPE with disappointment and conflict, CELEBRATE themselves and others!


This is a fun activity you can do with your students to help them plan out their summer vacation.

MAY: recommended reading


Deep in the sea lives a happy school of fish. Their watery world is full of wonders, but there is also danger, and the little fish are afraid to come out of hiding . . . until Swimmy comes along. Swimmy shows his friends how—with ingenuity and team work—they can overcome any danger.


No one ever said life was easy. But Ponyboy is pretty sure that he's got things figured out. He knows that he can count on his brothers, Darry and Sodapop. And he knows that he can count on his friends—true friends who would do anything for him, like Johnny and Two-Bit. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating up on “greasers” like Ponyboy. At least he knows what to expect—until the night someone takes things too far.


Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, Anne Frank’s remarkable diary has become a world classic—a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the human spirit.


Try these fun writing prompts for elementary and secondary students.


UNSTRUCTURED PLAY: backyard "rooms"

Create Backyard “Rooms” for Comfort & Privacy

Give kids a feeling of privacy and intimacy for their play. Your yard may already provide this with nooks, corners, or trees (think a weeping willow hanging down to create a secret room or a climbing tree for older kids).

But you can also create “rooms” by adding shrubs or trees, a trellis, an umbrella or canopy, or some sort of fort or hideaway.

Some other ideas for creating spaces:

STRUCTURED PLAY: ticket to ride

With lovely steam engine styling and rules even young kids can quickly understand, Ticket to Ride is a wonderful introduction to more complex board games. The aim is to claim different railway routes across the US and Canada using your colorful plastic rail cars. You spend cards to claim routes, and there are bonus points for connecting certain destinations. The European version adds ferries and tunnels, and there are lots of other expansions.

Ticket to Ride on Amazon



Peace Maker Promise

Have children learn and sort differences between a peacemaker and peace breaker. Have them take an oath to be a peacemaker.


Conflict Resolution Skill Building

Tons of conflict resolution activities! Role-playing, negotiating, active listening, and so much more for middle school age kiddos.