
What is a HyperDoc?

A hyper-doc is a great way to engage your students in a blended learning environment. Why is it called HyperDoc?

Hyper=Hyperlink to another site with the reading, video, collaborative tool etc.

Doc= Where the link information is stored in one place. Commonly Google Docs but can be used in Google Slides etc.

How to Create a Hyperlink:

  1. Copy the Link you want the students to go to

  2. Select the text in your doc that you want to turn into a hyperlink

  3. Find the link icon at the top of the google doc

  4. Click the link icon

  5. Paste the Link in the space provided

    • Ctrl +V (Hold at the same time to do the paste shortcut)

    • Ctrl + Shift + V (Hold at the same time to do the paste shortcut)

Basic HyperDoc Lesson Plan Template

<------Link Icon

You can use the font group after creating the Hyperlink to change the color, bold, highlight the text on the doc