Útiles Escolares

2nd Grade Supply List

Crayons (Crayola), (24-pack)—For Art

Crayons (Crayola), (24-pack; 2 packs)

Earbuds or Headphones (1 set) -- will not be shared

Eraser; Pink Pearl (4 packs)

Folders, plain/plastic with pockets & brads

(1-blue, 1-yellow)

Glue Sticks (8 sticks)

Index Cards 3x5 (1 pack)

Notebook, Composition (6) black and white only

Paper towel (1 roll)

Paper, Colored Construction (12'x18') 2 packages

Paper, Copy Paper (2 reams)

Paper, Filler; wide ruled (2 packs)

Paper, Manila (12'x18') (1 package)

Pencils, #2 (48 count)

Sanitizer, Alcohol-Free (1)

Scissors, Kid-safe (1 Pair)

Tape (Scotch - Boxed) (2 rolls)

Tissues (3 boxes)