Resources from MR. Calderon (SSS)


Mar 24, 2020, 10:31 PM


So a very smart instructional tech (Ryan Causey) specialist figured out how to get the Pearson, Thinkcentral, Harcourt activities within Schoology. Let me warn that it's a bit challenging but it will be very satisfying when you see it working in Schoology.

Here are the steps (you can also see the attached video he made). Later I'll make a Google slide.

To embed a resource first log / navigate to the resource provider you are wishing to use through the MySpring portal.

HRW / Think Central / Harcourt / Pearson

You will use the following template code to insert the resource:

<iframe src="/" width="800" height="800"></iframe>


1. Locate the specific resource you wish to include such as: Interactive Student Editions, Level Readers, Interactive Actvities, Static Files, ETC.

2. When you have located your item highlight the web address displayed (Yes some are extremely long), rick click, and choose "copy".

3. Go back to the course in Schoology and choose "Add Material" and then select "Add Page".

4. At the far right side of the tool bar above the text box there are two dots stacked ontop of each other. Click on the empty one to switch to HTML editing mode.


<iframe src="/" width="800" height="800"></iframe>

6. In the code locate the / in between the " " and paste the address we copied earlier.

7. Click on the stacked dots above again.

8. Configure the rest of the properties like Start and End date.

9. Make sure to click on the option "Display Inline" option right before the submit button (hover over images to locate)

10. Save. Now enjoy your success.

(If it shows up as just a link, edit this page and select "Display Inline" and submit again)

I have include a video illustrating the proces and successful embed using an Student Interactive Pearson resource.

Changing Sharing Settings for Google Website
From Courses to Resources
Inserting Videos into Schoology
Changing Sharing Settings for Google Website