29 April 2020

Quote of the week

“When the world says, “Give up”,

Hope says, “Try one more time.”


A message from Miss Dunn

Principal’s Message

In a recent zoom webinar I attended with other Independent School Heads, I heard this sentence which resounded so much to all of us listening: week four of distance learning; the cracks are going to start forming. And I am realizing how true this statement is. Where everything seemed fairly easy and uncomplicated in week one, now there is the realization that we’re in for the long haul, and suddenly life isn’t so rosy after all. The powers that be are keeping ominously silent on when schools are going to be able to open, and the shift from level five to level four is not providing the economic ease we had all hoped for. As lockdown continues, everyday family life becomes more and more of a challenge, and the enormous task of supervising multiple children in a home in various ages and stages of their education, is, for many, becoming untenable. The same can be said of teachers who are preparing and delivering lessons online for the first time ever. They began in small, easy steps, thinking this would be over in two weeks, and now the realisation has hit that this could also be for the long haul. The need to do more, deliver more, and reach the depths required in “normal” teaching, are hitting home.

I heard another quote that is of such relevance to us today, and especially as we prepare to further our children’s education under such differing circumstances: We’re not in the same boat, but we’re in the same storm (Unknown). The veracity of this statement became even more real to me as I read the responses to our online parent reflection sheets sent out last week. While we are all courageously fighting the same storm of this pandemic, we are indeed in very different boats. These different boats range from economic uncertainty, to three children sharing one device, to having no time to supervise any lessons, to having no resources at home, to constant worry over elderly, sick parents and grandparents. And with this, the constant fear: are the cracks going to become too large for the load in the boat?

I thank you for those of you who responded to our online reflection/response sheets sent out last week. An average of 65% of parents completed these, and of that 65%, an average of 90% were coping with the current situation. We have taken on the chin the few negative comments that came our way regarding the distance learning. As one teacher said to me: one negative can make all the positives sink like a lead balloon. However, amongst those negatives were some very helpful suggestions on how to improve, and we are most appreciative of these. The online learning experience is as new to the teachers as it is to parents and pupils. It is an enormously steep learning curve for us all. We, the teachers, really appreciate your comments and suggestions. We also realise that the younger the child, the harder it is to conduct successful online learning. Our little ones need the contact with their teachers so desperately, and it is with these age groups that we need to do our best to cement the cracks.

As we have had no official word yet from the Minister of Education on the re-opening of schools, the online learning programme will be moving into Phase Two from the beginning of May. During this week, the different departments have met to look at ways to consolidate what has worked and add in new features to the online learning. In this phase new content will be taught via daily contact time with the class teacher, as well as regular weekly contact time with the specialist teachers. I will be conducting Assemblies and RE lessons with each class weekly. We will be making more use of the Google Classroom platform in the Foundation Phase (already used in Senior Primary and Senior School) to facilitate more online contact and we will introduce more daily contact and useful videos in the Pre-Primary.

As soon as we have more clarity and direction on the re-opening of schools, we will let you know. Thankfully, as an Independent School, we have more flexibility in the method of re-opening. We are very busy drawing up the protocols and procedures we will be putting in place – these will be communicated to parents once the re-opening dates are set. Please know that school management is holding frequent meetings to put all the necessary measures in place for the safety and continued education of our girls once they return to school.

I urge you to wait for official communication from the school before reacting to draft and unconfirmed reports that are being posted on social media. It seems that the Minister of Education will be making a statement tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 10:00, so we eagerly await her announcement.

I pray for the continued good health and welfare of all our families during this lockdown period. Today is the feast day of the great Dominican saint, St Catherine of Siena. I end with a quote from her: Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.

Alison Dunn

Junior School Principal

Headmistress Message

Free as a bird

The poignant questions asked by the Beatles in their single, Free as a bird, are very much in keeping with our present thoughts:

“Whatever happened to the life that we once knew?

Can we really live without each other?

Where did we lose the touch that seemed to mean so much?

It always made me feel so...”

The Bill of Rights promises that we should not be deprived of our freedom unless there is just cause. This past Monday, South Africans celebrated Freedom Day and I am sure that we all recognised the irony of this day occurring during lockdown. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if history will record the events surrounding the Coronavirus as a time when human existence was redefined and when all people were reminded of the sanctity of freedom and the value of all life?

Minister Angie Motshekga was due to address the nation on Monday, but this has been postponed. The continuum that describes how South African children experience education has extremities that are barely recognisable to each other and even more so during these times. Devising a recovery plan that can address this, is a significant undertaking. We hope for a plan that balances the need for safety with the need for an education, mindful of the freedom that such education offers.

Delightful reports have been shared of wildlife freely exploring areas previously occupied by people. There are stories of the lions of Kruger enjoying the expanse of a reserve devoid of traffic, and the singing of birds is returning to many cities. Closer to home, this image showing the penguins of Simon’s Town walking freely through the streets is lovely. By coincidence it seems to represent the confluence of Earth Day (22 April), World Penguin Day (25 April) and Freedom Day (27 April) all in one picture - oh, to be ‘free as a bird’!

As we begin to see the lockdown measures being eased, the wisdom of holocaust survivor and Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl, is worth noting. “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Let us respond by re-entering our surroundings lightly, thoughtfully and trying to do better.

Penny Mullan

Head of School

Weekly Inspiration

Emmaus & COVID-19: Transitional lessons

Month of May

We have been asked to pray the Rosary during the month of May. I invite you to join as families and pray the Rosary for an end of the CoronaVirus.


Holy Virgin Mary, you are reigning in glory, with Jesus, your Son.Remember us in our sadness. Look kindly on all who are suffering or facing any difficulty.Have pity on those who are separated from someone they love.Have pity on the loneliness of our hearts.Have pity on the weakness of our faith and love.Have pity on those who are weeping, on those who are praying, on those who are fearful.Holy Mother, please obtain for all of us hope and peace with justice.Amen.

On the 30 April we celebrate a very significant Dominican saint, namely St Catherine of Siena. (When it was added in 1597, it was put on the day of her death, April 29; however, because this conflicted with the feast of Saint Peter of Verona which also fell on the 29th of April, Catherine's feast day was moved in 1628 to the new date of 30 April.)

Catherine of Siena, original name Caterina Benincasa, (born March 25, 1347, Siena, Tuscany—died April 29, 1380, Rome; canonized 1461; feast day April 29), Dominican tertiary, mystic, and one of the patron saints of Italy. She was declared a doctor of the church in 1970 and a patron saint of Europe in 1999. www.britannica.com

This saint has always featured very prominently at Springfield. Confirmation candidates often choose her as their confirmation saint. I’ve always loved the many beautiful quotes associated with her. I believe that her quotes are timeless. I imagined myself asking her some questions about our current pandemic and she’d respond using her own quotes.

1. South Africa and the world at large is really experiencing a surge of kindness through all this despair and disparity? Why do you think that is?

“The human heart is always drawn by love.”

2. Children throughout the world are out of school and experiencing online teaching, long distance teaching or missing school completely due to circumstances. What message would you share with them at this time?

“Start being brave about everything.”

“Be who God has created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.”

3. What message would you like me to share with the Springfield community?

“Love transforms one into what one loves”

God is closer to us than water is to fish.”

4. Why would the world be experiencing Covid 19 at this time?

“To be a servant of God…..every place is the right place, and every time is the right time.

5. What is our role post Covid 19?

“Speak the truth in a million voices. It is silence that kills”

We wish our Springfield family a very happy and blessed Feast Day of St Catherine of Siena

Tomorrow we celebrate our prioress, Sr Rosemary Commins’s birthday. On behalf of the Springfield community we wish her a blessed birthday filled with abundant blessings. May your day be extra special. Thank you for your role in our lives.

Preschool News

Thank you to the Pre-school parents who completed and submitted the Parent Review Survey on Distance Teaching. We value your input and every response has been read, noted, and as always, any concerns raised or suggestions made, have been given serious consideration.

Please remember that for every request made, there is another asking for the exact opposite. Some love the variety of choices and want more, while others find it overwhelming and want less. Some are asking for more technology based learning, while others are sharing devices with partners working from home and older siblings doing online lessons, and do not want any for preschool aged children.

We are trying our best to find a balance that addresses everyone’s needs, going forward.

We acknowledge that the first 2 weeks may have been confusing for some, we were a bit over enthusiastic in trying to provide as many choices of activities as possible, and have now tried to stick to more simple activities that are easier to do at home.

We are so glad that you have reacted so positively to the “at a glance” daily program and the teacher videos, and will definitely continue with these.

We love receiving the photographs, voice notes and videos from the girls, and you will see in the photos attached, the fun that the Reception girls had learning about Opposites and the Pre-Reception and Nursery girls had learning about and experimenting with the Primary Colours, last week.

My favourite photo is this one of Marley, who is being so responsible by wearing a face mask while assisting her mom in making sandwiches for the Constantia CAN group.

Thank you to all Springfield parents and staff who are assisting those in need during this very difficult time.

On Monday, South Africa celebrated Freedom Day, and while we are still not yet free to leave our homes for non-essential reasons, thank goodness we were set free from Apartheid 26 years ago.

We had a very special man, Nelson Mandela, leading us back then, and we are fortunate to have Cyril Ramaphosa leading us now. Our President has a huge weight on his shoulders, the safety and well-being of our Nation, and as frustrating as it is, especially for little children, please stay home and stay safe.

Diane Viljoen

Head of Preschool

Nursery Class, being fully immersed in the theme: Primary Colours

There have been some really creative projects on the go ~ huge kudos to the parents for overseeing (& sharing) these great activities.

And... Mrs Hauxwell, dressed in a firefighter's uniform, for YELLOW DAY, playing Kim's Game for a distant learning video-lesson

...some more Preschool lesson pictures

Junior Primary

Today we celebrate St Catherine of Siena, a prominent Dominican saint. All those children and parents named Catherine or Siena, we wish you a Happy Feast Day!

I must affirm and thank all our parents and girls for the continued hard work and commitment to our distance teaching and online teaching opportunities. The JP team and I acknowledge that there are many parents working incredibly hard during lockdown, also having to juggle many other challenges. We will introduce Phase 2 of the online/distance teaching model next week. This phase will allow scope for daily contact time with the girls. During the course of the next few weeks the girls will experience contact time with a range of teachers including their class teachers, specialists, Ms Dunn, learnership students, Learning support teachers and I. The various staff will be allocated time slots over the next few weeks. These rosters will continue to be sent out on Sunday evenings.

I’d also like to thank the JP team for their phenomenal hard work and look forward to the next phase being introduced on Monday 4th May.

Some thoughts to ponder during this time.

If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again

~by Diane Loomans

If I had my child to raise all over again,

I'd build self esteem first, and the house later.

I'd fingerpaint more, and point the finger less.

I would do less correcting and more connecting.

I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.

I would care to know less and know to care more.

I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.

I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.

I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.

I'd do more hugging and less tugging.

I'd see the oak tree in the acorn more often.

I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.

I'd model less about the love of power,

And more about the power of love.

Please share a virtual hug with the girls from all of us.

Ms Stubbs and the JP Team

Learning during lockdown in Junior Primary

Elah-Grace 2D.mp4

The Junior Primary team

Celebrating World Book Day

Sarah Borwick Poem.pdf

Senior Primary

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

The English poet, John Milton noticed that if the sun is behind a dark cloud, light shines around the edges like a silver lining. He said that even the worst situations have something hopeful. Therefore, we can be assured that there is something good in every bad situation. Today, we use this proverbial term silver lining when we want to emphasise the hopeful side of a bad situation.

I would like to share with you what the girls have taught us these last 4 weeks via their computer screens from their cosy classrooms at home.

  • Accept change
  • Go with the flow
  • Live in the present
  • Enjoy the moment
  • Laugh often – even at yourself
  • Spread your smile
  • Persevere
  • Value the Importance of friendship
  • To be Patient with yourself and others
  • To be Kind to yourself and others
  • To be Adaptable
  • To be Resilient
  • To be Creative
  • To be Flexible
  • To show that you Care
  • To Have Fun

Springfield’s Silver Lining surely then, is the hope that our remarkable girls continue to teach the teacher these essential human qualities long after lockdown when we return to our school, that we love so dear.

Karen Smith

Head Senior Primary

Katya Bell training Rosco...
Mary Baker home schooling and displaying her bird feeder
Isabella De Abreu enjoying her virtual tour
Zara Ronne and her brother doing a uniform swap!

Counsellor's Corner

Counsellors Corner.pdf

Special message from our Junior Peer Support team 💙

The attached article was written by Hilda Katito, one of our counselors in the high school and also a SFC pre-school parent. She gives helpful insight into understanding our response to lock down according to the well documented grief work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.It is a helpful read as so much of what we are going through in lock down is about loss - loss of freedom, normality, certainty, control, hope for the future.... to name but a few.Thank you Hilda for sharing this with us.
Grieving in the time of Lockdown-Reflections

Tech tip

💻Pearl of tech wisdom for the week: #30


Photography Competition April 2020.

Topic for 2nd week of competition

Lockdown Art April 2020

Katia Rixton adornment project.pdf


Music lessons continue...

“Where words fail, music speaks.”

~Hans Christian Andersen
Copy of Emily Greenwood.MP4
Emily Greenwood
Tamara Stabrey
Chloe du Plessis.MP4
Chloe du Plessis
Kaila Suddingh.MP4
Kaila Suddingh
Courtney Peach (1).MP4
Courtney Peach
Daniela Tomasicchio
Daniella Tomasicchio
Zara Ronne
Zara Ronne
Justine Keyser
Justine Keyser
Sibella Mitchell
Sibella Mitchell
Arabella Carr
Elaine Segers

Springfield 150th

Springfield’s 150th Birthday Celebrations

We are so excited to share the 150th logo we have designed to use throughout 2021 and beyond, to mark this incredible Springfield milestone.

As Springfield's existing branding is strong, we have used our current logo and incorporated elements to highlight the significance of this birthday and paying tribute to our Dominican roots and values adding the words Laudare, Benedicere and Praedicare (to praise, to bless and to preach).

Planning is underway for a number of celebratory events during the course of 2020 - Special appeal: In these extraordinary times, to keep things moving during lock down, can any of you help? The 150th committee is focused on two projects at the moment - a special book to mark this occasion and a celebratory evening event for parents and staff. If you would like to get involved and help with either of these two projects, please email Kate Maurel on 150@springfieldconvent.co.za

Springfield families

Mrs Wilson's birthday pamper💛🧡
The Peach family celebrating World Book day
Birthday celebrations in the Macnab household..


Sports Department Coronavirus Rap!

So you're on your own You're at home and not alone, homey You under stress, don't look your best When you sittin' at your desk Your sister is a pest and your dog is a whinin' Cos he not allowed to walk, and he be busy pinin' Your mama in the kitchen every day, every way, shaking, baking, no mistakin' Pappa is large and in charge and cleaning out the garage You done sortin' jumble and you feel like you gonna crumble This lock down ain't no joke, it's tough, its not dope man, nope you quit hopin' and start mopin' Social media is killin' ya, too much stuff, it's enough Yo fridge is yo friend, to the end, you find you be starin' and glarin' at what's in there, or what's not there, you don't care, you feel nowhere, despair
Deep in your head you think of somethin', somewhere, some time ago When life was slow and it were real and you could feel and run around and hear your footsteps on the ground In the distance you hear ringin', you hear singin', you start seein', you remember bein' On grass on tar in a crowd, shoutin' loud, proud Blue, true, free and joyful Playin' for that badge, your homies, for the place you know you belong Excited, reunited, time has moved along, virus gone Hallways are bustlin', people hustlin', lots of clappin', so much happenin'
You remember that lock down and you frown, what a time, it was way outta line And you remember with elation, your dedication, your thirty minutes everyday Being wise, doing exercise and you realise with tears in yo eyes You back in action and you fit and strong, you can play along With the best of the best, in victory or defeat Making your team a hard team to beat!
De moral of de story, go for glory, don' give up, don' be lazy at this crazy, hazy time Don' be a jerk, do your fitness work, keep goin' and showin' you a true blue, homey So dat when time comes to align, you gonna be fine, sublime and it will be your time to shine.

Exercise during lockdown

If you would like another alternative to the exercises sent out by the school, the below are good alternatives.

PowerEd on Facebook, https://facebook.com/PowerEd.Kids/ If you would like to ask them questions or give them feedback, their email address is info@poweredkids.com

Another alternative on Facebook is Johno’s Efitness Faculty – https://facebook.com/groups/jefftogether/ (Discovery Vitality). There are fitness sessions every morning at 8am and again at 3pm for 30 minutes.

If you or your parents have any questions, please contact Ms Hardiman on jnrsport@springfieldconvent.co.za


Currently there are no sport fixtures for term 2 available, as soon as we receive any information you will be notified.

Junior School Calendar

**We will update and notify as we receive further information.

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: (13 Jan Staff) 15 January – 13 MarchTerm 2: *to be confirmed. Term 3: *to be confirmed – 18 SeptemberTerm 4: 29 September – 2 December ( 4 December Staff )
Term 2 Public Holidays:10 April (Good Friday)13 April (Family Day)27 April (Freedom Day)1 May (Workers Day)30 May (Ascension Day)Term 3 Public Holidays:10 August (Women’s Day the 9th)
2021 Term DatesTerm 1: 13 January 2021 - 26 March 2021 (52 days)Term 2: 13 April 2021 - 25 June 2021 (51 days)Term 3: 20 July 2021 - 1 October 2021 (52 days)Term 4: 12 October 2021 - 1 December 2021 (37 days)

Add the calendar to your app screen for easy access. Please note that the dates in the