"VOLUNTEERS make this

event possible!"

Help us celebrate our culture and unity!


MCF date: Wednesday, April 17, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:30 pm

With just 30 - 60 minutes to spare, you can show support for ALL SFMS students and families!

Volunteering your time at our multicultural festival is a great way to show your support for building a campus & community with sense of unity and belonging. Not only will you have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and meet new people, you will also get the chance to take part in the festivities, sample delicious food, see exciting performances, and interactive activities.

EASY TWO-STEP sign-up process to volunteer:

STEP 1: Register as an SFMS volunteer. Click here to register on the SBISD website register a couple weeks in advance. Don't forget to "CHECK" Spring Forest Middle School as your VOLUNTEER SITE!

STEP 2: Volunteer sign-up coming soon!

Sample volunteer opportunities: