The Chi-lin Purse

Genre: Folk Tale

Hsiang-ling was a spoiled young girl, but on her

wedding day, she gave a purse full of riches from

her mother to a less fortunate bride getting married

on the same day. Later, Hsiang-ling was separated

from her husband and son after a horrible storm. She

found work taking care of a spoiled young boy in a

wealthy home. The boy’s mother turned out to be

the poor bride Hsiang-ling had helped so long ago.

The mother was so grateful that she split her family’s

fortune with Hsiang-ling and helped her find her

husband and son.

Spelling Words: snore, tornado, spare, appear, career, square, report, prepare, pioneer, chair, beware, smear, repair, sword, ignore, order, engineer, resort, volunteer, declare

Vocabulary Word / Meaning:

sacred- worth of reverence

behavior- manner of behaving; way of acting

benefactor- perosn who has given money or kindly help

distribution- act or process of giving some of each; dividing and giving out in shares

procession- something that moves forward; persons marching or riding

gratitude- kindly feeling because of a favor received; desire to do a favor in return; thankfulness

recommend- to speak in favor of; suggest favorably

astonished- surprised greatly; amazed

traditions- customs or beliefs handed down from generation to generation.