Back to School

Welcome to St. Philip Neri School.  I look forward to meeting you and working with you this school year!

Playground Nights: are a great way to meet the teachers, other parents, and children who will be in your child's class.  

When: Wednesday, August 30th 6:30-7:30PM

Where: St. Philip Neri Playground


Open House: is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th

  2. address

  3. phone number/cell phone number

  4. way home (bus, walker, car, CARES)-please be specific if your child is a walker please note which line (Germantown or Chestnut)-if your child rides the bus please note which route

  5. if the dismissal routine isn't the same every day, please note that information on the card

*please inform teachers of any food allergies, your child may have

Back to School: is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th.  This Back to School Night is only for the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes.  You should report to the classroom at 7:00PM.

First Day of School: Kindergarten girls will come to school on Thursday, September 7th and the kindergarten boys will come to school on Friday, September 8th.  For each day,  the children will begin school at 8:10AM.  Your child may come to school on the bus is he/she qualifies for bus transportation.  The boys and girls will be dismissed at 11:30AM on Thursday and Friday.   There will be no transportation provided at dismissal on these days.  Each child will have to be picked up in car line.  Your child will also need a drink and a snack on these days.

*The boys and girls should come in their SPN school uniform

Dismissal Routine for Thursday, September 7th and Friday, September 8th:

Cars should enter the school grounds from Ridge Pike.  Follow around the circle and stay right into the parking lot.  Follow the road up the side of the building between the school and the convent.  Turn left at the gym.  Pull forward in a single line with first car stopping at the far end of the gym.  Please remain in your car.  Children will be loaded a few cars at a time.  You must exit on Germantown Pike.  There will be no bus service.

Supplies:  your child will need all supplies on the first day of school.  You are welcome to bring supplies to the Open House.  Your child's stationery needs are located on the home page.

Clothing: the children are required to wear a uniform beginning the first day of school-Monday, September 11th. The summer uniform consists of navy shorts and light blue golf shirt (with elastic band).  Kindergarten students wear the summer uniform till the end of October.  For the winter uniform, the boys and girls will wear a golf shirt (long or short) with sweat pants and sweat shirts.  The gym uniform consists of the navy blue mesh shorts and gray t-shirt for the summer and sweat suit with the gray t-shirt for the winter.  Predominantly white sneakers only tie or Velcro (no zippers or slip-ons).  Socks must be white and above the ankle.

Please remember to label your child's sweatshirt with his/her name.  Our scheduled gym day is Wednesday.  Also, St. Philip's has a uniform closet.  For example, if you are in need of a pair of sweatpants, I would check the uniform closet to save you some money.

Arrival and Dismissal:  School starts at 8:10AM.  The children will line up in the schoolyard with their teachers and classmates.  If it is raining, the children will come inside the building to meet their teachers.  There will be many teachers to assist your child.  Children who are late must stop at the office for a late slip before they are admitted to the classroom.  If your child is leaving school due to illness or an appointment, please go to the office to sign your child out.  Any child who must change a dismissal line must have a note from the parent confirming this.  Also, if a dismissal line needs to be changed during the day, please do not email me of this change.  I do not always get a chance to check emails.  Please call the office and they will notify the teacher.

Absences: children should be neither late nor absent from school.  Student absences should be reported to the school office by 9:00AM to explain the absence.  An excuse note must be presented to the teacher upon the return to the class.  Please state the reason for the absence and the dates involved.  This is required for our records.

Snacks: there will be time in the daily schedule for a snack.  Please be sure to pack your child with something to eat and to drink for snack time.  I would suggest either 2 small water bottles or one larger bottle.  The boys and girls will be able to refill their water bottles throughout the day at our water bottle filling stations. Please be sure your child has all the needed supplies for snack time such as: napkin, straw, and spoon.

If you have any questions about back to school, you can send me an email at or playground nights would also be a great time for questions.  Please keep in mind that I do not check emails on a regular basis during the summer.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Mrs. Spinelli