Welcome to Ms.Ardizzone's 6th Grade Math Class

Welcome to 6th grade!

I am eager to meet everyone and get this year started. We have a lot of work ahead of us as we will be reviewing skills you have already learned and building on those to skills to get you ready for the future. Students, please know that I am here for you. Even if we don't "click", that doesn't mean that I don't care. Everyone has different personalities and it's okay; I still want what's best for you and expect you to go on to be a successful, happy person who knows how to work well with others. I am excited to get to know you all, your strengths, your talents, your ideas, and personalities.

Parents, I hope to inspire all of my students to not only do well in class but aspire to do well in life as they grow into adults. Besides learning about math, I hope students will also learn how to take responsibility for their own actions, be held accountable, and weigh the consequences of their actions before they do something. Wouldn't it be awesome if students did the right thing, not only when no one is watching, but also when no one else is doing the right thing? I want to cultivate exceptional people and future leaders, not just students.

I hope you don't mind, I prefer to contact parents by email so I don't disturb you at crazy hours. I often grade papers late into the night and on weekends, so just reply to my emails when it is convenient for you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Ms. Ardizzone

Students should be able to log into their class link from Splendora Isd website. From there they can click on items like their textbooks, Fresh Grade, email, Google Classroom, and more.

Access to Fresh Grade

Note to parents: I have had parents ask why their students do so well on homework and daily work but are still having trouble passing their SBA's. My question is: Are you actually watching your child do their homework? Are they using notes? Are they looking up the answers online? Are they copying from a friend? All of these are reason's why they seem to be doing so well. During SBA's they do not have access to any of these for help. Students need to be practicing the concepts and challenging themselves to try and remember what the steps are to solve problems without relying on someone else to tell them what to do next. Often times there are many ways to solve a problem. Sometimes I will ask students to do it a particular way to make sure they understand it. This way they will be able to add a new skill to the number of resources they have to pull from when they are faced with a new problem and they have to figure it out on their own. I know I am guilty of helping students in class too much, but I want to make sure they go home with as much knowledge and information as possible to try and make sure they are successful at home.

  1. Expect to see homework at least once a week.
  3. PLEASE UTILIZE E-MAIL IF/WHEN POSSIBLE. bardizzone@splendoraisd.org
  • I am able to respond more quickly to emails than phone calls, and it is more reliable than phone messages.