Understanding Assessment in PSSD


Welcome to Prairie Spirit School Divisions' Assessment site! This space has been created to help inform parents about assessment practices in PSSD. Feel free to browse the pages to learn about assessment, grading, and reporting!

Note: We've added a video on the grade 1-9 grading scale to the "How We Report" page of this site. 

 Assessment 101: The Basics

There are so many aspects to a quality assessment program that are outlined on the web pages in this site.  Like most disciplines, assessment has some terms that are helpful to know in order to fully understand the topics being discussed. Below is a short list of terms that it will be helpful to know.

Useful Definitions

Assessment: the act of gathering information to understand student learning needs and make appropriate planning/teaching decisions. 

Grading: summarizing student achievement into a score or grade. This is a form of summative feedback. 

Reporting: sharing student progress with others, typically students and parents/guardians. 

Curriculum: formalized document written by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education that outlines, among other things, the purpose of a course, the aims of a course, and what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of a particular course. 

Outcome: statements within the curriculum that detail what a student should know and be able to do by the end of a course. 

Indicator: statements that help define the outcomes of a course. Indicators help define the depth and breadth of an outcome - what the outcome is asking for and what it is not. Indicators provide examples of the types of evidence that a student might provide to show they have met the outcome. 

Formative Assessment: type of assessment that is focused on growth, typically given in the form of feedback (most often comments). Formative feedback typically involves helping a student understand how their evidence compares to the learning target and helps identify the next steps a student can take. There are typically no scores or grades associated with formative feedback. 

Summative Assessment: type of assessment that compares student evidence to a scale to summarize achievement at a certain point in time. Typically summative feedback involves a score or grade. 

Learning Target: description of what a student is expected to know and/or be able to do following a lesson/unit. 

Success Criteria: statements, written in student friendly language, that students can check to determine for themselves whether or not they have hit the learning target. Descriptors that help explain what success might look like or sound like. 

Scoring/Grading Systems

In addition to the terms noted above, it is helpful to understand the differences between two different grading systems that students and parents may encounter.

Point-counting assessment systems

Defined levels of proficiency assessment systems 

That last point is the major focus of this website! 

Please explore the other pages in this site to understand how we assess, why we assess this way, and how we report. (You may want to check out our FAQ page as well if you have more questions!)