
Brittany Titensor MSW, CSW

Mental Health Specialist

Spectrum Academy Elementary and Intermediate Schools

If your child has counseling minutes in their IEP, you should have received an email about how to sign up for individual counseling sessions, please email me if you didn't get that information. I will also be sending videos, powerpoints, and activities for your child.

Supporting Our Kids Through the Coronavirus

Here is a link to a website for some great information of ways to help your kids.

Here is a video showing a fun way for children to do progressive muscle tension and relaxation. This can be helpful for relieving stress and anxiety. It can also be used for emotion regulation. It's best to practice first when feeling calm and regulated. Then if you notice your child begin to show signs of dysregulation, you can prompt them to use muscle tension and relaxation. For example, "I see you are starting to feel frustrated. Let's try doing lemon squeezes."

Here is a fun song about emotions sung by one of my most favorite people! "You Can Tell How I Feel" by Frank Leto. Enjoy!