Finding Nemo: Strength Through Aquatics


The purpose of the Finding Nemo program is threefold:

1. To introduce swimming as a lifetime fitness activity for individuals with varying physical abilities.

According to James A. Rimmer, a researcher at the University of Illinois in Chicago, “One of the most important challenges for pediatric rehabilitation and healthcare professionals is finding ways to increase physical activity and fitness among youth with disabilities in community-based settings”.

2. Can be a mental exercise to help promote mental health and well-being. Moderate to vigorous exercise releases a protein in the brain called BDNF, which is known to have numerous benefits in the brain. Some include: increased learning and memory, assists with new skill acquisition, may increase production of serotonin, and improved mood. Also, by being submerged in water, the body is gaining positive sensory input which can help lead to positive behavior changes.

3. Swimming allows the body to be less effected by the force of gravity, allowing individuals the freedom to move without pain or to be more comfortable in space. The pool allows individuals to experience a sense of autonomy; they are in control of their movements.

Unfortunately, all swimming will be cancelled the remainder of the year.

Finding Nemo: Strength Through Aquatics

