
“Don’t let the COVID crisis go to waste. Start “flattening the curve” of carbon emission now.”

- Mr. Wing-mo Leung, Former Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory


- 前香港天文台助理台長 梁榮武先生

“See how climate change affects everything, so “act” even if it’s only a small thing you can do.”

- Prof. Christine Loh – SBS, JP, OBE, Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, Chief Development Strategist, Institute for the Environment, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


- 香港科技大學環境研究所首席發展策略師 陸恭蕙教授,SBS,JP,OBE,法國Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite

"As for the future, it is not about predicting it, but making it possible", by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the author of [The Little Prince (1943)]

- Prof. Stephen Lau, Honorary Professor, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong

「與其預測未來,不如將之變成可能。」- 安東尼.聖艾舒比尼, 《小王子》作家

- 香港大學建築學院榮譽教授 劉少瑜教授

Uncertainties embrace unlimited opportunities!”

- Prof. Kai-ming Cheng, Emeritus Professor, The University of Hong Kong


- 香港大學榮休教授 程介明教授

Life is an adventure. If you know where you want to go, take bold steps towards your destination. If you don’t know, allow yourself to go on a journey of exploration and discovery.”

- Ms. Ronna Chao, Asia Society Hong Kong Board Member & CEO of Bai Xian Asia Institute (BXAI)


- 亞洲協會香港中心董事會成員及百賢亞洲研究院行政總裁 曹惠婷女士

“We serve the seniors to age in place by providing housing and healthcare services.”

- Mr. James Chan (SPC ’88) , Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director, Hong Kong Housing Society


- 香港房屋協會行政總裁兼執行總幹事 陳欽勉先生(88年校友)

“Health is priceless!”

- Prof. Raymond Liang, SBS, JP (SPC ’74), Head, Department of Medicine, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital


- 養和醫院内科部主管 梁憲孫教授,SBS,JP(74年校友)

“Making future healthy, healthcare is our future.”

- Dr. Deacons Yeung (SPC ’85) , Director (Cluster Services), Hospital Authority


- 香港醫院管理局總部聯網服務總監 楊諦岡醫生(85年校友)

“Bankers and lawyers are experiencing lower incomes due to shifts in supply and demand, and Innovation & Technology will be the core driver of future development.”

- Danny Lee, Senior Advisor of Blue Pool Capital

「金融和法律行業的收入正隨著供求問題開始下降,創新科技行業 將會是未來發展的核心動力。」

- Blue Pool Capital 高級顧問 李立明

“Will AI take away many jobs in the future? How can humans make use of creativity to harness AI? And how do humans and AI coexist?”

- Helen Meng, Chair Professor of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management at CUHK

「AI 將來會否奪去許多工種?人類如何利用創意駕馭 AI,如何與 AI 共存?」

- 香港中文大學系統工程與工程管理學系 蒙美玲講座教授