
This page contains current articles and stories selected by the Diversity Council. Topics pertain to a variety of subjects related to diversity education and issues. These articles will be updated every month so check back soon.

Don't Say Nothing

This article, that is available through the Teaching Tolerance website, describes the dangerous message silence speaks to children in the classroom and the home. It provides practical advice for adults to overcome the obstacles to having these important conversations.

Race and Racism

This article provides some guiding questions and suggested activities for talking about race in the classroom.

Psychology Today

The Psychology of Rioting: The Language of the Unheard

This Psychology Today article posted on My 30th connects the protests and riots of 2020 to Martin Luther King's "The Other America" speech in respond to unrest in the late 1960s. The author seeks to understand the context of protests and the escalation toward rioting while keeping the perspective that unrest is a symptom of a much greater problem.

Decolonizing my Library

A Philosophy professor who "grew up in a rural (Sussex County, NJ) school district in the ’90s" struggles with the realization that his de facto segregated upbringing has left him a racist. This article explains that racism is more than intention - It is a state - and that the emotional weight of the word obscures our attempts to overcome its legacy.