Counseling Corner
What services do I provide?
At Sparta Elementary, the school counselor is in the specials rotation, meaning, I will see the students frequently and will provide them with counseling lessons that cover a variety of topics. Some topics we may cover include: kindness, friendship, careers, personal safety, and coping mechanisms.
I will meet with students in small groups when there is a need for 4-6 students to discuss a certain topic. These students may be referred by teachers, parents, or administration if it is believed they would be a good fit for a group. A permission letter will be sent home to the parent or guardian about the topic of the group. The counselor will communicate with these parents/guardians weekly about how the group is going and any strategies they may want to use at home.
Students are able to meet with me on an as needs basis. They can request to come to my office through their teacher, their parents, or the self-referral form on this website. Students may come to see me for a variety of reasons, such as, anxiety, anger, grief, frustration, friendship issues or family issues.