Spartanburg District 6 Parent Resources
Welcome to the District 6 Parent Resources Website! The purpose of this site is to share information with parents as well as free resources in all subjects (ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science) that parents can use to support their child's academic growth. The home page will share tips and tools that are relevant for all areas. Content specific parent resources can be found at the top right corner of the web site.
Parent Involvement Matters!
Getting involved makes a difference in your child's life!
Involved parents can have a positive impact on their children and their school. Research proves parent involvement is important. Many in
Below are some excellent parent resources that can help assist you as you support your child:
This is a great resource from our US Department of Education:
Family and Community Engagement Information
This is a helpful link to SC standards that are in a family friendly format to help you understand what your child is learning about at school in each grade.
Family Friendly SC Standards Website -
This article will give you tips about how to stay involved during Remote Learning.
Top 10 Ways for Parents to Conduct Check-ins during Remote Learning
Parent Portal for Powerschool is available for you to access. You can use this link to log on and check your child's attendance and grades. Parent Portal for Powerschool
Tips for Being Involved
Extensive research has shown that students achieve more in school when their parents are involved in their education. In a recent article titled, Parent Involvement is Key to Success on the Public School Review website, the author provides tips for being an involved parent.
Tips for Being an Involved Parent
The following are some suggestions for moms and dads who wish to get involved or become more involved, with their children's education. It is important to remember that doing even one thing on the list can make a difference in your child's academic progress.
Read with your children and talk with them about the books and stories you read
Help your children work on homework assignments
Organize and monitor a child's time
Tutor a child with materials and instructions provided by teachers (or found on the internet)
Attend and actively support school activities
Volunteer in classrooms, on field trips, or for special events
Continue to be involved as your child is in middle and high school
Attend parent-teacher meetings
Talk with your child about school on a daily basis
Be an advocate for your child to make sure that the child's needs are being met
If a problem arises, address it quickly by requesting a meeting with the teacher
Advise the teacher of any issues at home that may affect the child's school performance
Vote in school board elections
Encourage your children on successes and support them on poor performances
Take classes at a community college or adult education program to demonstrate to the child that learning is important
Participate in PTA or other parent organizations, school advisory councils, or committees
If your child's school does not have a program for reaching out to parents, become an activist and persuade the school or school district about the importance of parental involvement
Consider involving grandparents, who may be retired and have more time, in their grandchildren's education
This video explains how parental involvement contributes to positive results.