Discipline Guidelines

The purpose of the following policy is not to add punishment to previous punishment. It is simply to be used as a deterrent to any possible discipline problems during the school day.

Penalty/Technical - Any students-athlete assigned a technical foul during season will be assigned extra conditioning or other actions deemed necessary by the coaching staff.

Detention Hall - Any student-athlete assigned to Detention Hall during season will lose a minimum of ¼ game of participation and be assigned extra conditioning as deemed necessary by the coaching staff.

In-School Suspension - Any students-athlete assigned to In-school Suspension during season will lose a minimum of ¼ game for every day assigned to ISS and be assigned extra conditioning as deemed necessary by the coaching staff.

Suspension - Any students athlete that is suspended from school may not participate in any practice or game during the duration of the suspension. Extra conditioning will be assigned by the coaching staff.

We expect our student-athletes to conduct themselves as mature young adults at any and all school or community functions.

We believe that playing interscholastic sports is a privilege and not a right.