Important Information

Important Information

Attendance: Please be sure that your child is here by 7:40 am each day. If your child is absent, please send a note with them to school on the day that they return.

Breakfast: A free breakfast is served daily.

Communication: The easiest way to communicate with me is through email. I will check my email periodically throughout the day and I will be able to respond to you more quickly. My school email address is You may also call the school at 472-1510. Please know that although your concern is important to me, I may not be able to call you back until after 3:00.

Newsletters: You will receive a newsletter each month that gives information about important upcoming events, as well as, what your child is learning in each class.

Signed Papers: Graded papers will be sent home with progress reports and report cards. Please be sure that you look through our child's papers and sign the cover slip. The cover slip will give you more information about their behavior and work habits inside the classroom. It would also be great if you could go through your child's papers and help them correct their mistakes.

Working Together: I am looking forward to partnering with you this year to make this year a successful period of growth for your child. Thank you so much for your support at home! Please contact me anytime with any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the year.