Design and Modeling

Students in Design and Modeling will learn to draw in three dimensions and use 3-D rendering software. The focus of the class is to open students eyes to the careers in engineering while teaching students to work in teams and complete large tasks by dividing responsibilities. The curriculum is provided by Project Lead the Way and last for nine weeks. After completion of the curriculum, students begin doing projects designed to push their teamwork skills and develop the mindset to learn from failure by using the design process. Student projects range from researching how the Challenger Shuttle Catastrophe could have been avoided to creating a product from scratch and doing all the marketing materials to promote the product. Students also have to learn to communicate effectively and do writing synopses about their work. Students will use all their skills from other classes to complete most projects. Math, science, language arts, art, plus social studies and music, come into play during our projects. Thank you for allowing your student to take this course.