Coding Time

Coding is fun and we want everyone to give it a try....even you Mom and Dad.

Here are some apps and sites that you can use to learn some code when you are looking for a new challenge. I have them broken down by grade.

All the apps listed are free, or I can provide you with a code to join (Codespark) is offering a virtual coding class on Wednesdays your kiddos can join. You can also go back e and watch the previous classes called Code Break.

2nd-4th Grade Suggestions


  1. A great site for learning your keyboard and alphabet

  2. Code-a-Pillar App Work to try and get the codapillar through the puzzles

  3. Kodable Code our Fuzzes to roll through the maze

First Grade

  1. A great site for learning your keyboard and alphabet

  2. Code-a-Piller App Work to try and get the codapillar through the puzzles

  3. Kodable App Code our Fuzzes to roll through the maze

  4. Coding the Musical App A fun app that teaches about things like arrays - plus it has goofy characters

  5. Our learn to code app - work through a variety of puzzles using algorithms