

The aim of this module is to help making soybean harvesting as profitable as possible.

Learning outcomes

After completion of this module participants will be able to:
  • Use a checklist to ensure the header is in good working condition before harvest commences.
  • Understand harvest requirements for soybean.
  • Determine the most productive and profitable harvester set-up and settings for each soybean crop.

About the authors

The original version of this module in the 2012 manual was prepared by Dr Graeme Quick. The review, editing and additional content for the 2023 manual was provided by Dr Natalie Moore (NSW DPI). 

1. Aim of soybean harvesting

The aim at harvest is to collect the maximum amount of soybean grain: 

In addition to the seasonal conditions, there are many decisions that set a crop up for a successful harvest. For example, the grower and harvester operator can: 

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2. Terminology

In Australia local terms to describe grain harvesting equipment crops can be confusing as they differ to the terminology used in Europe, Canada or the United States of America (USA), where much of the world’s harvesting machinery is manufactured.

In the USA, the detachable front that cuts the crop is referred to as the header, head or header front. The header is designed differently to ‘head’ (or cut the grain heads off) different crops. A corn or maize header front is a different design to that used for wheat or soybean (Figure 1). 

In the USA, Europe and Canada, the rest of the machine to which the header front is attached is called a combine harvester (or combine for short). The term combine harvester refers to the combination of grain harvesting steps that are completed within a single machine, namely reaping, threshing, gathering and winnowing. Combine harvesters are one of the most economically important, labour-saving inventions and are credited with significantly reducing the proportion of the population engaged in agriculture. 

In Australia, the entire unit (combine harvester + header front) is sometimes colloquially referred to as ‘a header’. 

CLAAS maize front 
CLAAS maize front 
John Deere rigid header front 
MacDon flex draper head 
Figure 1. Examples of different header fronts that can be attached to a combine harvester for harvesting maize (top row images are examples of a CLAAS maize front) or soybean (bottom row images show examples of a John Deere rigid header front on the left and a MacDon flex draper head from Canada on the right, both used for harvesting soybean). Return to contents

3. Crop management considerations

The interaction of crop management decisions such as row spacing, plant population, soybean variety choice and time of planting directly influence the degree of difficulty of harvesting operations. Soybean agronomic and crop management information is provided in the other modules of this manual.

Soybean plants grown in a narrow row spacing, e.g. 30 cm, and/or at a dense plant population, tend to grow taller and produce thinner, single stems with less branching and fewer pods on branches. The height from the ground to the lowest pods may be greater, allowing ease of harvest, but the yield may be lower due to plants being overcrowded and experiencing periods of moisture stress or resource constraints during the season.

Conversely, in crops with a wide row spacing (>75 cm), the canopy may not cover the interrow space, allowing weeds to establish or, depending on seasonal conditions, the crop may lodge into the interrow where it is difficult to pick up at harvest. In crops where the plant population is below the target recommended for the variety and the location, plants may be shorter in height with a low height to the bottom pods presenting a difficulty for header operators and the risk of picking up soil that downgrades the sample. 

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4. Harvest timing and use of desiccants

Harvest timing

The ideal time to harvest soybean is when the grain has reached physiological maturity (see growth stages in the Plant growth module) and has dried naturally to a safe storable moisture content (MC) of 12–14%. Grain that is too dry (MC <10%) will result in losses due to increased risk of pod shattering and damage to the grain during threshing, e.g. splits. Grain that is too moist (MC >15%) will likely not thresh properly, increase the risk of blockages in the harvester and increase the risk of the grain developing mould during transport and storage.

Moisture measurement of the ripening soybean grain is critical, especially in humid conditions. Calibrate moisture meters (whether hand-held or on-board) against a reliable standard each season.

In some situations, harvesting at a higher than recommended grain moisture content may be unavoidable and must then be followed by physically drying and aerating the grain. Refer to the Safe storage module for more information.


Under normal growing conditions and with the even maturity of most of the current commercial soybean varieties in Australia, the use of crop desiccants/harvest aids like diquat (example trade name Reglone®) or glyphosate (example trade name Roundup PowerMax®) is not usually required. 

Desiccants may occasionally be required to manage green weeds in mature soybean crops, hasten leaf drop or facilitate more uniform harvest conditions in crops that have suffered damage during the season. 

Follow all label instructions including withholding periods. Refer to the receival standards before using any chemical on the crop and ensure that restrictions and withholding periods are strictly observed.

If the crop may be kept for planting seed ensure that the desiccant label states that it is safe to use on seed crops. 

Weigh up the costs of a desiccating operation including crop damage and losses due to running down some of the crop during application. Consult an agronomist experienced in desiccation of soybean crops when deciding when and how to desiccate. Remember that using a desiccant will only dry out (i.e. desiccate) what is there; it will not advance the maturity of the crop. Desiccating a soybean crop before it is physiologically mature will likely result in green seeds. 

In seasons with high pressure from pod-sucking bugs (e.g. green vegetable bug or Riptortus) or where these pests have not been adequately controlled earlier in the crop, uneven ripening can occur. In severe cases, pods may appear mature (brown) whilst the stems are still green. See the Pest management module in this manual for details on managing pod-sucking bugs in soybean crops.

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Harvesting a soybean crop after desiccation to manage green weeds, in this case Apple of Peru (Nicandra physalodes).

Assessing soybean maturity 

The following information is most relevant to high rainfall coastal production areas, where use of desiccants to assist harvest is more likely.

In the lead up to harvest judging the right time to desiccate and harvest can be difficult. In this video Matthew Leighton, Bundaberg Canegrowers and Grain in Cane Co-op. shares some practical tips to help with these important decisions.

Preparing for harvest – with focus on coastal soybean crops

The first indicator that harvest is imminent is the green leaves starting to yellow and pods start to turn from green to yellow and then to a mature brown colour. Spots on the outside of the pods are a natural part of the maturing process.

Once the stem starts to go brown the crop is ready for harvest. Sometimes, if there are not enough pods on the plant, the stems can stay green, or if late rain falls the crop seems to hang on and just doesn't mature normally. This can only be countered by having good insect control and optimum plant population as this helps to achieve more even crop maturity.

One of the reasons for unevenness in maturity is a change of soil type or as a result of not being able to irrigate the crop evenly. Soybean crops are a great indicator of a change of soil type or soil moisture issues as they've been growing. Any areas that are stressed early on in the season tend to mature earlier than less stressed areas. The decision to desiccate and harvest needs to be based on the status of the majority of the block and that sometimes means losing small areas that mature too early. The aim is to get the majority of the block and the majority of the grain.

Soybean seed pods can shatter once they are fully mature, especially the variety Asgrow A6785. Shattering doesn't happen immediately that pods mature, it can take takes another two or three weeks before mature pods shatter. a Repeated rainfall events or physical impact by the harvester front can increase pod shattering and grain loss.

In coastal environments it is often necessary to harvest before the grain has  reach optimal moisture content. In drier inland production environments, soybean crops are often left in the paddock to until the seeds have dried down to 12 per cent moisture, but waiting for that to happen on the coast is very risky due to adverse weather. It is better to harvest at a higher moisture level and aerate the grain. .

There's normally a drying cost associated with meeting the standard of 12 percent moisture for the majority of the market places. Coastal soybean grain is often delivered at 13-14 per cent especially in the late April and early May periods where, relative to inland areas, coastal humidity is still high. The drying cost varies but is generally around $20–25/t and should be included in the budget.

It is very easy to lose some grain by waiting for the whole crop to be dryto 12% and, more importantly, in the situation where there is limited availability of harvest equipment, waiting for a crop to reach 12% may mean that another grower isn't able to harvest their crop because all the pods have shattered and the grain is on the ground. The Grain in Cane Cooperative in Queensland shares the cost and risk of grain moisture across all growers. Some crops may incur no drying costs while others need drying but everyone pays an average drying cost.

When to desiccate and arrange for the harvester

Desiccation is used to dry out the whole crop to assist in getting the best quality grain in the harvester and to market.

This key decision is hard to make. It needs to take into consideration the crop maturity and the desiccant chosen. Many coastal soybean crops will need to be desiccated to make it easier for the harvester to operate. Desiccation causesgreen weeds to drop their leaves and the stems become brittle. Having less green material going through the harvester reduces the risk of seed staining that can downgrade soybean quality.

Note that only diquat and glyphosate are currently registered for pre-harvest desiccation in soybean.

Notes from the label:

Experience in coastal production areas suggests that when using glyphosate to desiccate the crop and kill any weeds, results are improved by waiting until at least 90 percent of the pods are yellow before spraying because any seeds in green pods will stay green. Receival standards specify alimit to the amount of green seed that will be accepted.. Allow at least 7 days WHP before harvest and check the label for specific instructions for soybean.

If using diquat (e.g. Reglone®), wait for at least four days before harvesting (as that's the withholding period), and generally harvesting four to six days after spraying is ideal.

Depending on prevailing conditions the crop may be ready to harvest as soon as the withholding period has been reached.

Other resources – GRDC Pre-harvest herbicide fact sheet

5. Types of harvesters and their maintenance

Types of grain harvester in Australia

The majority of new combine harvesters in Australia are fully imported, particularly from the United States of America (USA) and Europe.

The two major types of combine harvesters used in Australia are the rotary type (Figure 1) and the walker- or drum-type (Figure 2), with the rotary style dominating the current market. 

John Deere model STS 9760
New Holland TC 5090
Figure 2. LEFT: This John Deere model STS 9760 made in the USA is an example of a rotary threshing and separation combine harvester. RIGHT: This New Holland TC 5090 harvester made in Belgium is an example of a harvester with five straw walkers. Walker-style grain separation is preferred in much of Europe where crop conditions are generally moister than in Australia and the resulting longer crop straw is baled for animal bedding or feed. Photo G. Quick. 

The modern draper-type fronts with floating cutter bars have improved grain harvest capacity and performance. It is estimated that the floating cutter bar and pickup reel can outperform the fixed/rigid platform and bat reel of older style harvesters by up to 50% (G. Quick, pers. comm.). By necessity a fixed platform will pitch and roll with the harvester as it traverses uneven ground. Maintaining a low and even cutting height is almost impossible with wide fixed platforms. Auto height controllers can be fitted to fixed or floating cutter bars. Rock barriers can also be fitted behind the cutter bar.

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Harvester maintenance

A timely maintenance check may save many lost hours or days at harvest time. There are many useful ‘how-to’ videos on combine harvester maintenance, particularly those from experienced operators and service technicians in Canada, the USA and Europe. Many of the principles of combine harvester maintenance are relevant irrespective of the brand or model used in the maintenance video examples provided below.

This is a comprehensive front-to-back maintenance walk-through of a John Deere S-Series combine with Craig Windsor from Huron Tractor, Canada. This video has excellent internal views, close-up photographs and diagrams of critical working parts inside the combine harvester (feeding, threshing, separating, cleaning, and crop residue management) as well as general maintenance advice (16.11 minutes).

Greenmark Equipment in Michigan and Indiana, USA specialise in grain harvester servicing, run harvester summits and produce freely available videos. These short videos by Greenmark service technician Eric Yonker cover:

These videos from Greenmark Equipment, service technician Keith Koetz and product specialist John Crumbaugh cover:

In these three videos from Greenmark Equipment, service technician Kevin Wandless focuses on maintenance of a rotor combine harvester with reference to maize and soybean harvesting and the common wear points and areas of damage with excellent views inside the machine and advice on servicing and settings:

For walker-type combine harvesters Greenmark Equipment also produce a series of maintenance videos, for example, these videos with technicians Qort Schmicker and Rodney Teadt focus on: 

Maintenance checklist 

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Set-up for soybean harvest

It is strongly advised that growers follow the set-up and safety recommendations of the manufacturer for their particular model of combine harvester. Do not assume that resellers understand all of the settings necessary to harvest soybean crops or that a new machine has been correctly calibrated for your crop or your situation. The crop and the situation vary each season, therefore, harvester settings frequently need adjusting.

Leading manufacturers of grain harvesters have developed a vast number of resources that are freely available on the internet. Well-made videos by experienced operators and service technicians are particularly useful to watch when considering harvester set-up and calibration. Some examples are provided below. 

In Australia, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) have invested in harvester set-up workshops for Australian grain growers (e.g. project PRS2002-001SAX). Most of the examples used are of harvesting cereal or canola crops in southern or western Australia, however, the principles of measuring and minimising losses and knowing what controls to modify to improve harvesting performance apply to all crops. A series of videos of eight harvester forums are available on the GRDC website and are listed here:

Click the image to view the playlist of 8 videos from the GRDC Harvester Forum.

Two examples of videos from the USA with specific focus on harvesting soybean crops are listed here:

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6. Harvest losses

Soybean grain losses are broadly categorised as pre-harvest (in-crop), gathering (at the front of the harvester) or processing (inside the harvester, which is visible as grain lost from the back of the harvester with the chaff or crop residues). When commencing harvest and at times during harvest, it is recommended to check and measure the three categories of grain loss (Figure 3). 

Figure 3. This is an example of a D&W Group flex front draper head harvesting a soybean crop in Canada highlighting the three areas to check for grain loss during harvest, from right to left, 1. In-crop (pre-harvest), 2. Gathering (front) and 3. Processor or separator (back). After harvesting a uniform area in the crop, the harvester should be stopped and backed off a couple of metres to assess grain losses.

The proportion of grain lost from each of the three categories is estimated in Figure 4. As gathering losses can account for up to 85% of lost grain (G. Quick, pers. comm.) it is advisable to focus on measuring and rectifying these losses.

Figure 4. Proportion lost soybean grain estimated from the three categories of grain loss. Gathering (or front) losses can be as high as 85% of all losses in soybean crops (G. Quick, pers. comm.)

Pre-harvest (in-crop) losses

Grain losses can occur before harvest and can be due to many factors including:

Gathering (front) losses

This category accounts for the greatest proportion (~85%) of grain lost from a crop and many factors are implicated. Making only one adjustment at a time gives the operator a better idea of where performance can be improved. Many factors should be considered and investigated including: 

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Processor (back) losses

Processor performance is best with smooth/even crop feeding into the harvester. Mature, dry soybean crops are comparatively easy to thresh and separate but remember that soybean grain has a thin seed coat and is susceptible to splitting and other damage. 

Australian Soybean Breeding Program varieties (e.g. Hayman, Richmond, Gwydir, New Bunya, Kuranda, Burrinjuck and Moonbi) have been specifically selected for even crop maturity and seed size, whole-plant dry down and clean leaf drop. 

Crops with green stems (and ripe pods) may result in heavy slugging and ‘roping’ in the harvester processor. In a high yielding crop that has green stems and green weeds present, ‘lumpy’/uneven feeding of the crop into the harvester and less-efficient threshing occurs. A draper-type head provides smoother flow and more crop feeding into the processor as it takes a ‘heads-first’ approach.

The processor shells the grain from the pods and should do that without causing excessive damage and splits. The cleaning system should remove weed seeds and foreign matter from the bin sample. 

By using the appropriate processor (rotor or cylinder) speed and settings, the operator must strike a balance between achieving a complete thresh and gentle threshing to maintain grain quality and reduce split grain. Thresher speed, for example, should be slowed to the point where damage and splits are acceptable but still maintaining acceptable threshing losses (i.e. very few intact pods in the sample). Monitoring the tailings return to check whether it is grain-rich or chaff-rich is one gauge of thresher performance. 

Operate to maintain a cushion of crop in the processor for least damage to soybean grain. When unloading, slow the engine to reduce seed damage by the unloading auger. Where possible, use belt conveyors and avoid augers when moving soybean grain.

Grain losses can occur during the many processing steps inside a combine harvester and can be influenced by a range of factors including:

Figure 5. Cross-section diagram of a combine harvesting cleaning shoe (G. Quick, 2012). Comprehending the crop flow in the shoe helps with settings for best performance. Engine speed needs to be maintained for consistent shoe performance. If the cleaning system speed (including the fan) slows, shoe losses can escalate. Examination of the tailings return flow is a good indicator of shoe performance.
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Measuring losses

In 2021 and 2022, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) invested in a collaborative project with the WA Grower Group Alliance to measure grain harvest losses in West Australia for wheat, barley, lupin, canola, oat, lentil, field pea, faba bean and chickpea. The study included seven brands of harvester and five different styles of header front. 

A summary of the findings from study is available here: https://www.gga.org.au/activity/measuring-harvester-losses-in-western-australia/ 


Early in the harvest and periodically throughout harvest, checking for lost soybean grain on the ground behind the harvester or using a pan to measure grain losses during harvest is essential. Loss monitors only measure relative loss and need periodic calibration. They indicate relative performance well, but a harvester operator must periodically assess (count) grain losses on the ground.

A useful factsheet on calculating harvest losses is available here:

Calculating harvesting losses.pdf

A GRDC workshop specifically focussed on understanding and measuring grain losses at harvest is presented by Peter Broley (Primary Sales Australia), Ben White (Kondinin Group), and Kassie van der Westhuizen (harvesting specialist) below (20.44 minutes).

Table 1. Estimated value of lost grain from the pre-harvest, gathering and processor aspects of harvesting using a crop yield of 3 t/ha and a grain price of $700/t (Adapted from table by Dr Graeme Quick in the 2012 manual).

Use several sampling frames randomly placed in a uniform part of the crop and behind the machine. Get down on the ground and count soybean grains inside the frame(s). In simplest terms, four beans in a frame on the ground in 1/10th (say 32 cm x 32 cm) frame area represents 76 kg/ha loss.