Can my entire district / building sign up?

Yes! We offer a discounted district registration option. You can learn more and sign up by clicking here.  If you have additional questions, feel free to contact John Sowash by email.

How much does it cost?

A district subscription is $1,000 + $25/teacher. This provides access to an entire year of webinar content and resources for all teachers. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact John Sowash by email.

Is attendance mandatory? 

No. You can decide which session you wish to attend. Each session is targeted toward a specific grade and subject area. Pick the sessions that are most relevant to your needs. 

How many sessions do I need to attend? 

You get to decide! My goal is to provide you with at least one session each month that will be directly applicable to your classroom. Pick and choose the sessions that look the most interesting! 

How do I join a session?

Use the Google Meet link that was sent to you via email. 

Are these beginner or advanced sessions?

Both! I carefully calibrate the monthly schedule to include beginner and advanced topics. The monthly schedule is constructed to offer sessions for various grade levels, subject areas, and technical abilities. 

How do I earn/request continuing education credits?

Attendance is automatically tracked during the live sessions. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance for each session they attend which can be used to document professional learning hours. 

Additional attendance documentation is available upon request. Just let us know what information your district requires!

What are the topics? 

The topics for 2022-23 are available here. This list was created to cover a broad range of important instructional strategies and ideas for each grade level and subject area. The session schedule may change as new tools and needs are identified.