Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak all CEDS Campaign Committee meetings and gatherings will cease until July of 2021. We'll be periodically adding updates on COVID-19 related relief programs to this site on the Home, Regional Updates, and Resiliency Resources pages. Stay healthy and safe!

COVID-19 Financial Relief Resources

Arkansas Workforce COVID-19

Unemployment ARWF COVID-19.pdf
Local_Office_Spreadsheet_DWS AR.pdf

The 2019-2024 CEDS is at southwestarshines.org.


We invite you, a community member, to use this website as an interactive tool to connect, learn, inform, and access information across the twelve county region of Southwest Arkansas. Our purpose is to understand the needs of our local communities so we may be better prepared to provide the assistance our region needs to prosper while sustaining a strong, resilient workforce and local economy.

Our Mission

To enrich the communities of our region through access to resources, partnerships, and information.