Safety & Security

Southside ISD is dedicated to creating a safe learning environment for our students and a safe working environment for our employees. Southside ISD has spent will over a million dollars to secure our campuses by installing access control, security cameras and intruder alarm systems.

In 2018 the Santa Fe High School shooting occurred prompting Governor Greg Abbott to focus on school safety. Texas Governor later released his “School Safety Action Plan,” the plan focused on 31 recommendation for school safety. Dr. Fred Hayes formed the “Safety and Security Task Force” that year. The committee is comprised of Southside ISD Principals, Counselors, Technology Director, Police Chief, Student Services personnel, School Nurse, and Human Resource staff.

Our first meeting in June 2018, we reviewed Governor Greg Abbott’s “School Safety Action Plan” and applied it to our school district. The committee came up with the Southside ISD Safety and Security 2018-2019 Action Plan. Most of the recommendations on the action plan are in place today.

Southside ISD created the “Coordinator for Safe Schools” position.

While in this position Mr. Zaragoza, will be acting as the liaison between the community and the Safety and Security Task Force. If you have any concerns, questions or recommendations, feel free to contact him by phone or email.

Coordinator of Safe School

David Zaragoza, Coordinator of Safe Schools

(210)882-1600 Ext 5139