Adobe Premiere Pro

Digital Media.pptx

Create a Digital Video

Video Production.pptx

Video Production

Google Form for Video Production Quiz

( You may use the slides)

Copy of Software & Hardware Video.pptx

Software & Hardware

Adobe Premiere Pro Beginner Lesson

Copy of BasicVideoEditinginAdobePremiereProDistanceLearning-1 (1).pdf

Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial Lesson

Camera Techniques Project

A quick way to tell if a video production is of professional quality or done by an amateur is the use of proper shot composition and camera movement techniques. In this project, you will learn about each type of shot and get practice collecting each one. You will be using your phone

Decide on a theme for your video that will incorporate all the camera shots and movements.  Using the onboard camera of your phone, collect an example of each technique, located in the resource folder below. 

Using Adobe Premiere Pro, place a corresponding title that describes each camera movement or shot. Make sure your photo or video is edited to usable video and the frame size fills the screen. Finally, add a background song to make your video more interesting to the audience.

After you have finished your project, save as your last name + DM. Export the media with the same name (ex: pettyfursetech.MP4). Submit the exported video to Google Classroom. Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements.

Camera Technique Resources 

Jazz Video Project

To get started in Premiere, you are going to create a music video that will help you learn some basic tools and features. You have been hired as a video editor by the Blues Festival.  They want you to create a video using still images that will promote Jazz music.  The images should change with the beat of the song.  Download all of the files below.

Listen to the jazz music and take notice of the constant beat. You will have a new jazz image appear at each one of these music beats. Go online and find images that relate to jazz.  Count the beats of the song to determine how many images you will need.  Editing video to the beat of the music is a basic skill that is used in all levels of video production. Remember to adjust the scale and position on each image so that it fills the entire screen.

As you work, save your project as a Premiere Project file (.PRPROJ) and name it last name +first initial + jazz. Export the media using the H.264 encoder and the Apple TV 480p setting with the same name (ex: pettywjazz.MP4). Submit the exported file using the form below.  Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements!

Jazz Resources

Jazz Images

Story Video Project

You have been hired as a video editor by Stories through Images, Inc.  They want you to tell a story through video editing, using still images and a music track.  The images should change on the beat of the words in the song and zoom in and out to provide movement.  

Select a music track of your own, that is school appropriate, and take notice of the lyrics of what is said in the song. You will only use 1 minute of the song.  You are going to tell a story through moving images based on what is being said in the song.  A new image will appear with the different things being said in the song.  Go online and find images that relate to your song to tell the story. Make sure none of the images are blurry, pixelated, or have watermarks or copyright information.  Add a title a the beginning to introduce the video or add some titles throughout the video.  Editing video to the beat of the music or to words is a basic skill that is used in all levels of video production.  Remember to alternate zooming in and out with each image.  Remember to fade up your first image from black and fade-out your last image to black. Do NOT repeat any images and use the same transition throughout.

As you work, save your project as a Premiere Project file (.PRPROJ) and name it last name +first initial + story. Export the media using the H.264 encoder and the Match Source-medium bitrate setting with the same name (ex: pettywstory.MP4). Submit the exported file using the form below.  Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements!

Story Video Resources

Video Portrait Project

A stylistic way to show someone's personality is through capturing video portraits. Use proper medium to close-up shot camera framing, along with alternating left and right rule of thirds composition. Review these techniques from the files on the right. In this project, you will learn about planning and utilizing a certain type of shot. You will be using the onboard camera of a mobile device. (Make sure to shoot with your device in the horizontal NOT vertical position!)

After the class has gone over the shot compositions, decide which people will be included in your portrait montage (can be classmates or other students in the school).  You need 7-9 people in your video. You must storyboard your shots before shooting to make sure the people alternate who is on left and who is on right each time when you edit. Record 30 seconds of each person even tho you may only end up using 10-15 seconds of the shot in post. Using the on-board camera of a mobile device, record each person for the video (be creative with the background areas), import the files to your computer, edit together in Adobe Premiere, and add a school appropriate music track that fits your target audience (audio should fade in/out) add titles to balance the spacing.  Titles must include a name (larger font), hobbies, and something about them (smaller font) for each person. Must have an ending title with your personal information. The final edited video should be around two minutes.

After you have finished your project, save it as the last name + first initial + vidport. Export the media with the same name (ex: pettyvidport.MP4). Submit the exported video to the teacher. Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements.

Video Portrait Resources

Movie Trailer Video Project

You have been hired as a video editor by  They want you to tell a story through video editing, using still images, a narration track, and a music track.  The images should change on the beat of the words to match the script and zoom in and out to provide movement.  

For this project, you will chose one of the major works that you have read this year and create a video that highlights the main themes explored in the story.  Ideally, the finished project should be similar to a movie trailer in that it should elicit a desire from the viewer to want to read the book.  You may choose from the following works:  Oedipus the King, Night, “Allegory of the Cave,” The Epic of Gilgamesh, or All Quiet on the Western Front. 

Create a Storyboard and write a script for your narration voice over and record your VO using the sound recorder.  Select a music track for your background music for your trailer.  This track should not have any voice recored, only instrumental sounds. You will only use 1 minute of the song.  You are going to tell a story through moving images based on what is being said.  Go on-line and find images that relate to your trailer to tell the story.  Add a title a the beginning to introduce the video or add some titles throughout the video.  Editing video to the beat of music or to words is a basic skill that is used in all levels of video production.  Remember to alternate zooming in and out with each image.  Remember to fade up your first image from black and fade out you last image to black.

As you work, save your project as a Premiere Project file (.PRPROJ) and name it last name +first initial + trailer. Export the media using the H.264 encoder and the Apple TV 480p setting with the same name (ex: pettywtrailer.MP4). Submit the exported file using the form on the left.  Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements!

Movie Trailer Video Resources

Outliers Video Project

In the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell sets out to dismantle the idea that success can be attributed to raw talent or luck alone.  In fact, according to the author, success is usually made possible by many factors, most of which are out of the control of the individual. Let’s put this theory to the test.

For this project, you will be placed in collaborative groups and challenged to find a local “outlier” (an individual who appears to have just been born with a special talent or has a typical “rags-to-riches” story) to research.  In your research, you should be using Gladwell’s method of inquiry to uncover the truth behind this person’s success. Once you have a clear sense of how success was achieved, you will create a video that illustrates how and why this person deserves to be considered an “outlier.”  Ideally, the finished project should be similar to a short documentary that uncovers the truth behind this individual’s particular success story.

Create a Storyboard, write a script for your narration, and record your VO using the sound recorder.  Select a copyright free, music track for your background music for your video. This track should not have any voice recorded, only instrumental sounds. You are going to tell a story through moving images and video you discover in you research.  Go on-line and find images that relate to your "outlier" to tell the story.  Editing video to the beat of music or to words is a basic skill that is used in all levels of video production.  Remember to alternate zooming in and out with each image for you moving images.  Remember to fade up your first image from black and fade out you last image to black.

As you work, save your project as a Premiere Project file (.PRPROJ) and name it last name +first initial + outlier. Export the media using the H.264 encoder and the medium bitrate setting with the same name (ex: pettywoutlier.MP4). Submit the exported file to the teacher.  Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements!

Presentation Guidelines

Once your video is complete, you will give a presentation to showcase your work. You should briefly explain who your outlier is and why you choose to research them.  Then set up the clip and show your video to entice your audience. Include a summary, or wrap up about your "outlier" after the clip.

Outliers Video Resources