Google Classroom Resources

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom helps teachers and students to communicate and can be used to organize and manage assignments, to go paperless, for collaboration between students and between teachers, for teaching from a distance.

Google classroom can be used alongside Google Docs and Google Drive!

What can you do with Google Classroom?

  • dd annoucment and material for students to use both in the classroom and at home. Google classroom can be organized so all the material can be presented by what they need that day or week!Add assignements. Since Google Classroom works alongside Google Docs and Google Drive, you can create assingments right on Google Classroom!Grade Assignments. Google Classroom allows you to grade assignments right then and there and students can see their grades anytime they would like to.

Getting Started with Google Classroom

This video will help you start a Google Classroom for your students. Remember, you should have a seperate Google Classroom for each subject or block, depending on what you feel comforable with.

Google Classroom Tips and Tricks

This video offers little tips and tricks that can make using Google Classroom more efficient and effective for you and the students.

Student Engagement

7 Best Wedsites for Distance Learning!

Google has a help center for teachers with short 'How To' videos and information regarding Google Classroom .

The first link will ask you to sign in/up and it will send you tutorials which last about 7 minutes long. Some lessons are longer, some are shorter, but it is accessible for all teachers. I would recommend signing up for this and begin receiving emails about all google for Education products and tools.

Click the links below to visit the resources available!

How to Use the Grading Tool in Classroom

Adding students and co-teachers to Google Classroom

Google Classroom: Creating Assignments

How to add materials to Google Classroom

Adding google document to classroom

Google Sheets for Beginners

Google Drive Tutorial

Adding a google slide to classroom