Organize your life...

junk drawer and all!

At Southern Organizers, our goal is to make your space functional and beautiful. Our process helps you use your space efficiently and effectively.  We provide a wide variety of services to meet your needs and desires for the space. We work along side you to make sure we accomplish your goals.

Southern Organizers started with a couple of women who loved organizing spaces and sharing that passion with others. We love to help people find ways to maximize their spaces and create order! We believe that when your home or office is in order and you know where everything is, there is a calm that comes naturally. You aren't spending excessive amounts of time looking for things you need so you have more time for the things that matter! Our goal is to make your space functional and beautiful, a place you can relax and enjoy spending your time.

We have an amazing team of organizers ready to listen and make your organizing dreams come true! Contact us today so we can work our magic in your home!

We provide a wide variety of services to meet your need and desires for each unique space! Click here to learn more!

Our Process

Our process ensures that you have only the items that serve your family well and the things that bring joy to your family! We work with you to make sure the space is customized to meet the specific needs of each member in your family!

Purge & Clean

Sort & Classify

Contain & Beautify


Purge and Clean

We will work with you to go through your items and make sure you only have things you need and love! We will help you get the things that are no longer serving a purpose in your home into a new home where they will be of better service! We are happy to take care of this step with as little or as much involvement as you prefer! We then do light cleaning to prepare the space to to have all of your items turns to their new home.



Sort & Classify

We thoughtfully sort like items in a way that makes sense for you! We will make sure that your most used things are readily available and that you can find everything you need with ease!



Contain & Beautify

The final step in the organization process is to contain everything in products that are both beautiful AND functional! We will set up systems that make it easy for you to find what you need, but also to maintain! You will be set up for success for the long run after we are finished!