School Counseling/Guidance

3-5 Grade: Join Mrs. Wilson for Lunch

3rd grade -JOIN HERE every Tuesday at 11:30

4th grade - JOIN HERE every Thursday at 11:30

5th grade - JOIN HERE every Friday at 11:30

K-2 Grade: Show & Tell with Mrs. Wilson

Sign-up HERE for a 15-minute time slot where your student and Mrs. Wilson can connect. They can show me their favorite dance movies, stuffed animal, picture - anything special from their home they'd like to share. I can't wait!

Guidance Classes with Specials Team

Join your specials teachers for a unique Zoom Meet-up on Wednesdays. Click HERE to access our Specials Team page. Social-emotional learning lessons available on-demand for your child on specials team page.

December 2 (Zoom links can be accessed when clicking on link above)

9-9:40 - Kindergarten

10-10:50 - 1st grade

11-11:50 - 2nd grade

December 9 (Zoom links can be accessed when clicking on link above)

9-9:50 - 3rd grade

10-10:50 - 4th grade

11-11:50 - 5th grade

Need to Talk with Mrs. Wilson

Talk with Counselor Google Form

Students - please complete the form above and Mrs. Wilson will connect with you. If you are a parent or guardian, please reach out to me at