Attorney Donald J. Budman's Law School Lectures
Current legal instruction as taught in Law School
Donald J. Budman has been an adjunct Professor of Law at the Charleston (SC) School of Law every semester since 2004. The lectures posted here have been delivered to over 35 classes during that time. This is your opportunity to learn what the students learn in law school.
Commencement of an Action
As it relates to the Statute of Limitations.
Courts in South Carolina
A description of the various courts within the State.

Use of Legal Forms
As it relates to the Unauthorized Practice of Law.
Personal Jurisdiction
Where may a Defendant be sued?

Subject Matter Jurisdiction
In what court may your lawsuit be brought?
Confidentiality and Privilege
Who can say what to whom?.

Contact Don Budman to get more information on the content.
Additional lectures will be added to this site from time to time.