Ms. Blanc

South Bay School

4th and 5th Grades


August 26th, 2020

This school year presents unique circumstances and unprecedented challenges. We are all experiencing various hardships, and I will to do my best to be as supportive and flexible as possible during this time of need.

Our schedule and learning tasks will evolve incrementally over the first month of school and I will build and update this website accordingly as a source for news, agendas, resources, and more.

We will be using Google Classroom as our home base and is where you will find links to all assignments, resources, and Zoom meetings. To stay informed and hold your student accountable to their schedule and tasks, you can access your student's Google Classroom by logging in to any device with their South Bay Google account.

Schoolwise is where you can check on your student's completed and graded assignments. This year I will also be using Schoolwise to send announcements as well as communicate with parents individually. It is linked to email and you will see any messages posted through Schoolwise show up in your inbox. If you are new to the South Bay campus and do not yet have a parent account activated, your activation code was attached to the welcome letter you were given along with your student's Chromebook.

Students will not be needing many of the usual back to school supplies this year since almost all assignments will be done digitally. I provided the students with a dry erase marker and whiteboard for math as well as a pencil, some colored pencils, and a sharpener just in case. The one item I would suggest be made a priority, that I am unable to provide, is a good set of headphones. I also encourage a private and consistent location for your student to work from. Please make sure that your student is well rested, ready to log in and join me at 8:15 every morning, and that your family's daily schedule accommodates their attendance.

I look forward to seeing you for South Bay's virtual Back to School Night on Thursday, September 10th. With 8 days of school under our belts, this will be an opportunity to connect and clarify any questions that may arise as we're getting this all dialed in.

Please know that it is reasonable to be confused. Things will begin to make more sense as we connect during the first few weeks of the school year. Just breathe, remember that we’re in this together, and that you have my support.

Ms. Blanc

About me

This is my third year teaching at South Bay School. I previously taught 2nd and 5th grades at Cutten and Ridgewood Schools and even taught high school in Southern California many years ago after graduating from college.

My favorite hobbies include reading, sewing, crocheting, camping, baking, and musical theater.

My favorite subject to teach is social studies. I love to incorporate Google Earth and historical fiction read alouds into our history and geography lessons.

I have 5 kids between the grades of 4th and 12th. As my own family navigates the challenges that distance learning presents, please, rest assured that I can relate to and empathize with the struggles and demands your own household may be navigating.