
The Clinical & Counseling Psychology (CCP) Graduate Student Handbook has been compiled to set forth official program policies of the CCP Doctoral Training Program. The Handbook provides general information and highlights the rights and responsibilities of students in the CCP Doctoral Training Program (including students in the CCP MS Program of Study). The basic format of the CCP Program and requirements that need to be met to complete the doctoral degree are detailed. This Handbook is intended to eliminate confusion and will be an invaluable tool for students when planning their course of studies. The manual is subject to change as the CCP Program and USA Graduate School policies change and should not be considered a binding contract, but rather a helpful guide. Any changes or additions to this manual or to the policies discussed in it will be made with the best interests of the students and the program in mind. Changes will be communicated as soon as possible. Students are expected to read and become familiar with the contents of this Handbook. Students must also confirm that they have received the Handbook and understand that they are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures contained therein. It is designed to supplement information in the Graduate Bulletin and USA Student Handbook – the Lowdown. None of the program policies described in this Handbook are intended to supersede Departmental, College, or University policies already in effect.


It is the responsibility of each Clinical and Counseling Psychology graduate student to keep copies of all information concerning their courses, which includes (1) syllabi, (2) course requirements, (3) waivers, (4) petitions, (5) grades, (6) notices, and (7) any other documents or forms related to the student’s education and training. Do not depend on USA or the CCP Program to keep any student records that might be needed for future documentation to become licensed.