Learning Diversity 

Week 2 (Term One) 

‘Learning diversity’ refers to the infinite variety of life experiences and attributes a child brings to their formal learning at school. All students with diverse learning needs have a right to access a full and engaging education on the same basis as their peers.’ (Horizons of Hope 2018)

At St Oliver Plunkett we embrace and celebrate the unique qualities of all Learners. Each child brings to school their very own story, presenting strengths, gifts, talents and challenges. Our mission as teachers is to connect to their individual story and build on every learner's strength and support and cater for their individual learning needs.

We recognise that sometimes a student’s academic, physical or social and emotional learning needs can be very different from those of their peers. 

We value a collaborative approach to student learning and seek effective ways to meet the needs of all learners, so that every student can experience success. 

The upcoming Meet and Greet conferences for our students in Year 1-6 are an opportunity to begin conversations, providing the classroom teacher with background information and insights that will assist them in developing trusting relationships with your child and to optimise their engagement and learning. 

As Learning Diversity Leader, I work in collaboration with teachers and families to support students with individual needs. It is said that knowledge is power, well for those supporting your child this couldn't be more true. Having information that will help us understand your child’s point of need is a vital piece of the puzzle.

I encourage you to contact me if you would like to discuss the individual needs of your child or if you have any questions or concerns.

Wishing your family a fabulous start to the 2024 school year!

Liz Finlayson

Learning Diversity

