S1. Atomic Structure (textbook)

S2. Subatomic Particles (textbook)

1. What are you curious about?

Mystical Flame Spark .mov

2. Activity (Flame Tests)

Activity (Flame Tests)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

- Share slides with "ramsey.musallam@sonomaacademy.org"

4. Activity (Spectroscope)

Activity (Spectroscope)
Note: Only do "image", "video", and "summary" slides.

6. Activity (Subatomic Particles)

Activity (Subatomic Particles)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

    1. S2. skill meetings/check.
    2. Mean Girls clip.
    3. Ion columns.
    4. C and Si Inquiry
Mean Girls_Periodic Table.mov

8. Quiz (S1, S2)

S3. Radioactive Decay (textbook)

S4. Relative Abundance (textbook)

2. Activity (Radioactive Half-Life )

Activity (Radioactive Half-Life)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

    1. Whiteboard practice.
    2. Make up a problem for ME to solve.

4. Chernobyl Video

5. Activity (Relative Abundance) - randomized grouping.

Develop an equation that a hypothetical student, taking 4 classes, could use to calculate their GPA. Share here.

7. Quiz (S3, S4)

    1. Quiz Prep
      1. Kahoot Review
      2. 2 minute SPEED share.
      3. AP Chemistry Problem
      4. Quiz
Click here to make YOUR slides.

S5. Molar Mass (textbook)

1. What thoughts come to mind?

2. Activity (Epsom Salt)

Activity (Epsom Salt)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

modified demo

4. Activity (Epsom Salt Again)

    • Epsom salt ratio reveal after individual group ratio share.
Activity (Epsom Salt Again)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

5. Activity (Silver Oxide Formula)

    • Review sub lesson. Click here and here.
Activity (Silver Oxide)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

6. Quiz (S5)

    1. Review Game
    2. 5 minute team review (while Ramsey circles)
    3. Quiz
    4. Study hall (not in 220)

S6. Electron Configuration (textbook)

S7. Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES) (no text)

1. What are you curious about?

    1. Electron Configuration "BTSN" grouping (H group, etc.)
    2. Electron Configuration call and response.
    3. Electron Configuration notes.

3. Activity (BattleShip)

    1. HW check.
    2. Battleship
    3. Nobel Gas shortcuts
Activity (BattleShip)
  • Aircraft carrier – 5 elements
  • Battleship – 4 elements
  • Submarine – 3 elements
  • Destroyer – 3 elements
  • Pontoon boat – 2 elements
Click here to make YOUR slides.

5. What are your curious about?

    • e) Mean Girls practice.

6. Activity (PES)

Activity (PES)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

    1. Practice problems to Ne.
    2. Cl and P on same large whiteboard w/different colors (randomized grouping)
      1. PES diagrams
      2. Verbal explanation.
Sodium in Water.mov
    1. Watch below video from an MIT upper division chemistry lecture below.
    2. What, if any, new things about PES did you learn?
    3. What questions about how PES works do you still have?

8. Quiz (S6, S7)

    1. Whiteboard volunteers: H/He, N-3/Na+, Ca+2/S-2, H+1
    2. Complete/Check Practice Problems.
    3. Quick Kahoot and play (15 minutes)
    4. Quiz Warm Up (randomized groups)
      1. Using what you know about PES, clearly explain the shape of the below graph.

S8. Ionic Lewis Structures (textbook)

S9. Binary Ionic Compounds (textbook)

S10. Polyatomic Ionic Compounds (textbook)

1. What are you curious about?

Table Saw Spark.mp4

2. Activity (Conductivity)

Activity (Conductivity)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

4. Activity (Mystery Ionic Compounds)

Activity (Mystery Ionic Compounds)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

    1. Mystery solution demo
    2. Naming race (tunnel into Roman Numerals)
    3. S9 roman numerals.
    4. S10 notes and practice.

5. Activity (Ionic Confirmation)

    1. Ionic whiteboard session (10 compounds)
    2. Activity (Ionic Confirmation) - randomized teams for lab practical simulation.
Activity (Ionic Confirmation)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

6. Quiz (S8, S9, S10)

    1. Challenge: Model the formation of an Ionic Bond:
      • Film Canister = atoms
      • Large Magnets (silver and black) = protons
      • Small silver magnet = electron
    2. Quick Mistake game (1-8 randomized. use back side of handout to track)
    3. S8-S10 review game (1-6 randomized)
    4. 20 minute review.
    5. Quiz.

S11. Covalent Lewis Structures (textbook)

S12. Polyatomic Lewis Structures (textbook)

1. What are you curious about? (randomized groups)

NItrogen Triiodide Trim.mp4
Slow Motion Contact Explosive - Nitrogen Triiodide.mp4

2. Demo (Nitrogen Triiodide)

    1. NH3 vs. NI3? Why (randomized)
    2. Balloon Demo
Activity (Nitrogen Triodide)
Click here to make YOUR slides.

    1. Whiteboard HW.
    2. Polyatomic Notes/Practice.
    3. Quick Whiteboard Review (randomized groups).
      • Random verbally called out problems.

4. What are you curious about?

5. Quiz (S11, S12)

    1. HW review on board
    2. Relay Race.
    3. Tutorial Videos (randomized pairs)
      • Your video must follow the below format:
        1. Shows Lewis Structure being solved live.
        2. All members voices are heard.
        3. All members handwriting shown.
        4. Different colors used.
        5. Covalent bond formula explained.
        6. Lewis structure explained.
        7. Few common mistakes discussed.
        8. Share here.
      1. Formula written at top.
      2. Determine covalent bonds
    4. Quiz

S15. Dipole-Dipole IMF (textbook)

S16. London Dispersion IMF (textbook)

S17. Ion-Dipole IMF (textbook)

1. What are you curious about?

2. Activity (NaCl & H2O) - no slides

    1. Pre Activity Notes
    2. Dry Ice cont. (on loop as walk in).
    3. Activity (NaCl & H2O)
    4. Answer & Hypothesis (words & diagram) - 10 min whiteboard.

    1. IMF Interpretative Dance.
      1. Pick a partner
      2. Agree on the IMF acting between you.
      3. Model the state of matter.
      4. Wait for signal to "switch"
    2. HW Review (volunteers)
      • See Whiteboard Board
    3. Pepper/Soap Demo
      • Explain WHY using what you know about IMFs. (hint: soap makes water "slippery")

4. Activity (Coke vs. Diet Coke) - no slides.

    1. Warm Up: HBr, HCl, and CO2 (one whiteboards on table)
    2. Flash Cards (randomized groups 1-8)
    3. Coke vs. Diet Coke (see keynote slides)

5. Quiz (S15-S17)

    1. Diaper bag demo.
    2. Quiz.

S20. Ideal Gas Law Theory (KMT) (textbook)

S21. Ideal Gas Law Equation (textbook)

    • Gases want to E X P A N D to fill the volume of the container they are in. Keeping this in mind, list all of the structural, and environmental characteristics that would maximize a gases ability to E X P A N D. Click here to share.

  1. Demos and Clips
  2. Ideal Gas Law Equation
  3. Practice
    1. PV=nRT (as walk in)
    2. Demo: Blowing Gum Bubbles.
      1. Model a graph with our finger describing the variables changing and constant.
      2. Discuss a method for determining the number of moles of gas you blew to create the bubble.
    3. Complete practice (check when done).
    4. Group Quiz (random 2s & 3s)
    5. Group Quiz Presentations
    6. Below video (on repeat as walk in)

S22. Reactions


    1. Ramsey's Hair?
    2. Random Student's Shirt?
    3. Boiling Water/Electrolysis of Water (what side is hydrogen and what side is oxygen? Two reasons?)

2. Notes

  1. Video (as walk in).
  2. Review (fast rusting) __Fe + __O2 -> __Fe2O3
  3. HW questions?
  4. Demos:
    1. Whoosh bottle.
    2. Hydrogen Balloon (IMF, then reaction)
    3. Pringles Can (IMF, then reaction)
    4. Elephant Poop
  5. Notes: Stoichiometry
    1. Examples
    2. Practice 1 and 2
  6. Final Process and Practice final
  7. Review
  8. Demo: H2 balloons
    • What is stoichiometry? How does this demo relate?
  9. Demo: Carbide Cannon and Methane balloon
    • How does this relate to the concept limiting and excess reactants?
  10. I do: Practice 3.
  11. We do: Practice 5
  12. You do: Practice 6
  13. HW: Practice 7-10
  14. Demo: Baking Soda/Vinegar Candle. Baking Soda/Vinegar LR and ER
  15. Practice Problem (8 Randomized groups)
    1. Solve on two whiteboards
    2. Trade and grade.
    3. Ramsey review.
  16. Demo: Alka-Seltzer/Water
    • Can you create a perfect mixture? No limiting or excess reactant?
  17. Complete all practice problems.
  18. Final Exam (Part I: Activity)
    • Procedures & Observations, #3
  19. Practice Quiz #3 (says #4)
  20. Practice Final #1 together (*)
  21. Sample final question on board (randomized groups) - 15 minutes.
  22. Demo: Bottle filling and safety.
  23. Final Exam (Part I: Activity): Launch!
  24. Final Exam (Part I: Activity): 4,5, Analysis (if time)