Special Olympics
Northern California
Athlete Sport Registration
Athletes MUST register for EACH SPORT in which they would like to participate EACH year, even if they are returning to the same team from the previous year or season.
Welcome to SONorCal's Athlete Sport Registration System!
Athletes, parents, guardians, care providers and anyone assisting an athlete can use this system to register an athlete for their desired sport(s) for the upcoming season.
Athletes should only register for sports they fully intend to participate in for the upcoming season, including scheduled practices and team activities.
On this site, you will find:
Sports offered in each county
Registration Periods (Open and Close dates)
Practice Months - specific days and times will be provided during registration and the main coach will contact athletes with final information once registration closes
Competition Months
Links for Open Registration Periods
Help Page - NEW!
How To Register for Special Olympics Sports
*Not all sports are offered in all areas - please view the county page for more information about sports offered in or near your area /county.
**Certain teams/sites are Day Programs or School Sites and athletes must be an enrolled member of the Program/School in order to participate with the team/site. If you are not sure if you are an enrolled member, you likely are not and should NOT register for that team/site.