
What is Āheitanga?

Āheitanga refers to capabilities, competency, and dispositions. Āheitanga underpin all teaching and learning across all subject areas and can be taught, practised, and strengthened over time to maximise opportunities for ākonga to achieve success in their learning and be critical, informed and responsible citizens.

Why does it matter?

Learning for ākonga is enriched when there is a clear and coherent learning pathway within and across Kura. As a Kāhui Ako, identifying a common set of capabilities provides an opportunity for our ākonga to develop skills, dispositions and competencies that are too important to leave to chance. Capturing transition statements that identify what ākonga

should understand, know and be able to do at key transition points in their learning provide a focus, depth and breadth to their learning, growth, and development.

It also provides a focus for developing shared pedagogical practices and rich learning experiences that ensure continuity

of learning across the Kāhui Ako.