Somerset Youth Track

Welcome to the Somerset Youth Track page sponsored by Somerset High School Track & Field.

Contact email: 

Due to the high school track being redone starting April 15th, there will be no Youth Track in 2024. Sorry!

Hello Parents,

Somerset Youth Track is again offering track meets for boys and girls in grades JK-6. The Somerset Youth Track was created to introduce kids to the sport of Track and Field. We are offering three track and field meets for students to try out some events in a low pressure and fun setting. Students will be able to try as many events as they choose, and may attend any number of meets they are able. Events in each meet will include sprints, mini-hurdles, long jump, softball shot put, high jump, relay hand-offs and more. Students who register will receive a Somerset youth track t-shirt. 

Events will be coordinated by Somerset High School Track and Field coaches, volunteer high school track athletes and others who support youth athletics. Students will be divided by age group and will receive ribbons for each event. Participants should wear running shoes, bring a water bottle, and dress for the weather. Parents are asked to stay for the entire event to supervise and cheer on their children. (Bring a camera!)

For questions please email Brandon Berrey: 

Registration Fee

Included in your registration payment of $20 is participation in all Youth Track meets and a T-shirt. Registration will be complete when payment is received.  

Please make checks payable to: Brandon Berrey - Somerset Youth Track

Please include student name in the Memo.

We will accept cash payments at the meets or you can deliver the fee to your child's respective school office.

Checks can also be sent to:

Track Coach Brandon Berrey
Somerset High School
645 Sunrise Dr.
Somerset, WI 54025

If you feel comfortable with Venmo, you can send payment to @Brandon-Berrey.  This is a personal account and payment will be transferred to the Somerset Youth Track account upon receipt. PLEASE, include student name in the Memo.

Running Events

50M Dash - JK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
100M Dash - 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Grade
200M Dash - All Grades
400M Dash - All Grades
800M Dash - All Grades, parents, coaches, athletes!

Field Events

High Jump
Softball Throw
Pole Vault
Standing Long Jump