Construction Updates

Please note: this page will be continuously updated throughout the construction process. Check back often for new information.

Core planning team

Throughout the summer of 2019, teams from Somerset Middle School and Somerset High School met to discuss the project regarding proposals established during referendum planning, and to determine overall project goals and program adjacencies. Below, you will find agendas and minutes from those meetings.

design presentations

Project Oversight Committee

The Project Oversight Committee (POC) purpose is to act as a group of decision makers to discuss political issues, determine next steps, review costs, authorize or direct changes, etc. throughout the design, bidding, and construction process. Additionally, the POC acts as a sub-committee to the School Board. Below, you will find agendas and minutes from those meetings.

Weekly progress updates

Market & Johnson provides weekly progress updates which includes a list of completed projects for the week as well as photos of each building and the site.