Diversity & Equity in Education

The Somers Public School District embraces its role in maintaining a long-term mission and vision for diversity, equity and inclusion. 

We recognize that it will take vigilance to maintain this vision and this work is not easy nor ever finished. 

As such, adjustments will be necessary to capture progress and redirection to ensure a deliberate course toward our long-term mission and vision.

Purpose Statement:

Somers Public Schools is committed to cultivating a just and fair learning community characterized by culturally responsive learners and staff who embrace, accept and respect differences and perspectives. We endeavor to create opportunities for engagement, education and discourse related to issues of equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Essential Questions:

How does awareness, knowledge and understanding of one's own racial and cultural identity promote effective teaching, leading, learning and acceptance?

How does awareness, knowledge and understanding of the racial, cultural, and sexual/gender identity of students and staff promote effective teaching, leading, learning and harmonious co-existence?

How can we establish learning environments that are conscious of race, culture, and sexual/gender identity to ensure implementation of culturally responsive practices, policies and procedures?

We are committed to:


The links below provide resources  that may help guide conversations.

LGBTQ Resources

LGBT Youth Resources (CDC)

Positive environments are important to help all youth thrive. However, the health needs of LGBT Youth can differ from their heterosexual peers. On this page, find resources from the CDC, other government agencies, and community organizations for LGBT Youth, their friends, educators, parents, and family members to support positive environments.
