Somers Public Schools

Pupil Services


The Pupil Services Department strives to create and achieve effective programming for all exceptional learners while fostering academic and social emotional wellness in all learners. 


The mission of the Somers Public Schools Pupil Services Department is to develop cohesive and aligned programs for exceptional learners as  evidenced through identification of a student’s present level of performance, the development of measurable and rigorous student growth targets, and progress monitoring practices. 

In pursuit of this Vision and Mission, we believe:

Child Find

In accordance with federal regulations, state statutes and local board of education policy, Somers Public Schools assumes the responsibility for the location, identification and referral of all children requiring special education and/or related services of children residing in the town of Somers. 

Sparkler is a mobile app that helps caregivers promote children's healthy development. The Sparkler App offers young families a mobile app and related services that help parents, grandparents, and other caregivers harness  the science of early child and brain development to make the mo of the early years. The app empowers parents and caregivers as first teachers and helps systems serve families better, together.

Sparkler for Connecticut 

Caroline Hargraves

Director of Pupil Services

Dawn Ducharme

Coordinator of Pupil Services

Holly Vaughn

Administrative Assistant

Phone:  860-749-2270 X 2052

Mary Steidler

Administrative Assistant

Phone: 860-749-2270 X 2051

Pupil Services Department

Somers District

1 Vision Boulevard

Somers, CT 06071

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

7:30AM - 4:00PM

Phone: 860-749-2270

Fax: (860) 763-0748

Informational Links

We recognize that the current public health emergency is resulting in an increase of stress on families. If you or your child are experiencing an immediate safety concern: call 911. If you or your child are experiencing a behavioral mental health crisis: call 211. If you would like to access support services, please contact the following: Somers Social/Youth Services Department at (860) 265-7551. If you would like to contact your child’s counselor or social worker, please do so via their school email address.