Curriculum & Instruction


The Somers Public Schools strives to be an exceptional and innovative educational community.


The mission of the Somers Public Schools is to prepare each student to contribute and succeed in an ever-changing global society.

In pursuit of this Vision and Mission, we believe in:

Dina Senecal 

Senior Director of Curriculum & Instructional Operations

Corinne Bouchard

Administrative Assistant 

Timothy Percoski

6-12 STEM, Instructional Leader

Lynn Erickson

K-5 STEM, Instructional Leader


Sarah Martin

 K-5 Reading Consultant, Instructional  Leader

Caitlin Hoffman

6-12 Humanities  Instructional Leader

Informational Links

State Assessments

Public Schools in the State of Connecticut administer the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English Language Arts areas and Math in grades 3 - 8 each spring. 

Additionally, Connecticut students in grades 5, 8 and 11 are also assessed using the NGSS aligned assessment for science.

NGSS Parent Guides

This suite of NGSS Parent Guides illustrates how the standards are a powerful foundation to help students build a cohesive understanding of science over time. 

K-2 Parent Guide 

3-5 Parent Guide

6-8 Parent Guide

9-12 Parent Guide