
The iStaff is an opportunity for students to get involved in making their library better and more useful!

Note: Applications to be iStaff for the 2021-2022 academic year are closed for now. Please consider applying next fall!

Want to help us keep the shelves in order? Great!

Enjoy sharing your knowledge of computers? Awesome!

Maybe you'd like to create a book display, or something for the website. That would be fantastic.

Members of the iStaff will be scheduled on a regular basis to assist in the library with everything from shelving books to making displays to coaching other students. iStaff members will also be encouraged to attend regular meetings of the Library Advisory Council, a group of students, teachers and administrators who will steer the library's mission and activities.

At its core, a library should connect students to each other - whether that happens face to face, through computers, or through the pages of a book. If you have an idea for how the library can run more smoothly, teach new skills or provide a needed space - the iStaff needs you.