CiRcLe Up!

Here in the CiRcLe, we DO THE RIGHT THING and demonstrate the following characteristics:




August Lesson Do the Right Thing in the CRL 2019-2020 students

PBIS Student Recognition:

Students who demonstrate Care, Respect, and Leadership get rewarded! Meeting the school wide expectations pays off! Here is a list of our large group incentives for first semester:

August- No Tardy Ice Cream Party (on time to class everyday every class in Aug)

September- Failing Zero classes (Zero bars for everyone passing all classes)

October- It pays to be good- Dodgeball tournament and snacks (Passing all classes, 10 or fewer absences and tardies combined, and no ISS or OSS this semester)

November- Cookies and Hot Chocolate (Present today!)

December- It pays to be good- Breakfast Buffet and Pops for Passers (Passing all classes by Dec 13- Soda pops and a blow pops.

Faculty and staff also give students Red PBIS tickets for displaying our expected behaviors- Care, Respect, and Leadership. The students are able to turn in the tickets for weekly and monthly drawings. Every Thursday our administration sells Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits and students must have a red ticket to be able to purchase a biscuit. The tickets collected go into the drawing box. The weekly drawings are for Chicken biscuits (3 per week) and the teachers and staff that write those winning tickets also receive a free chicken biscuit.

The monthly drawings are for larger items:

i. Aug 30th -Free Fall Sports Pass (x2) (Football, Softball)

ii. Sept. 27th – Buckeye’s Lunch Delivered (x2)

iii. Oct. 25th – Free Winter Sports Pass (x2) (Wrestling, Basketball)

iv. Nov. 30th -Yearbook

v. Dec.12- Free Crepe from the Crepe Food Truck (x5)

vi. Jan 31st- Free Spring Sport Pass (x2) (Baseball, Soccer)

vii. Feb 28th- Heart Shaped boxes of Chocolate (x2)

viii. Mar 27th- Buckeye’s Lunch Delivered (x2)

ix. April 24th - Yearbook

x. May 15th - Big Prize Chromebook- Let’s make a deal

The funds raised by the chickfila sales go to purchase the larger prizes and large group incentives.