Snyder Public Schools

Bond 2023

Boys and Girls Restroom Renovations for

  • John D. Moeller Primary

  • Snyder Elementary

  • Snyder FFA Building.

Testimonials from Teachers and Board Members.

Click the video to see current state of the bathrooms and hear testimonials from teachers and board members.


Use the Slider to calculate your 2024 Tax Bill

Snyder Bond Tax Comparison

This graph shows the tax comparisons compared to other local school districts of various sizes.

If Snyder passes the Bond, we will still be lower than the majority of the local districts.

*If we do not pass the bond, Snyder will remain at the bottom and will not have passed a bond since 1979.

Taxpayer Cost Analysis

This document shows a taxpayer analysis for a $1.5 million bond over 5 years.

The table on the left shows the estimated overall tax increase.

The table of the right breaks down the impact to the taxpayer showing both the annual and monthly increases.

Summary of Sinking Fund Requirements and Tax Levies

$1.5 million Buiding Bonds: 5 year Issue

This graph breaks down the millage rate for each school year starting in 2023 continuing until 2028.


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