The 3rd International Undergraduate Mathematics Summer School
Aug 7 (Mon) - Aug 18(Fri), 2023
Seoul National University,
Building 28, Room 102
Intensive Lecture series (5~6 lectures)
Beomjun Choi (Postech)
Curve shortening flow and geometric heat equationsYukari Ito (IPMU-U.Tokyo)
Introduction on group theory and algebraic geometry toward McKay CorrespondenceMeiyue Jiang (Peking U.)
Lectures on 2-dimensional geometric inequalitiesSeonhee Lim (SNU)
Number theory and dynamical systemsIgor Sheipak (Moscow State U)
Spectral Properties of the Singular String Equation and Related Problems
Short lectures
Urs Frauenfelder (Augsburg)
Introduction to Rabinowitz Floer homology (3 lectures)Shuai Guo (Peking U.)
Modern enumerative geometry and its connections with mirror symmetry (2 lectures)Naoki Imai (U.Tokyo)
Local Langlands correspondence and geometric realization (2 lectures)Andrei I. Shafarevich (Moscow State U)
Semi-classical quantization of invariant manifolds (in memory of V.P. Maslov).Insuk Seo(SNU)
Universality in the mathematical models
Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul Nat. U.)
Huijun Fan (Peking U.)
Keiji Oguiso (U. of Tokyo)
Anrei I. Shafarevich (Moscow State U.)
Department of Mathematical Science, Seoul National University, 10-10 project of SNU, Center for Quantum Structures in Modules and Spaces