
Representation Theory




The universal R-matrices of quantum groups


월요일 14:30 - 15:30

The universal R-matrix is an element of a completion of quantum groups, which endows its module category a structure of a braided monoidal category. In this talk, we prove the uniqueness and existence of the universal R-matrix, its multiplicative formula, and discuss its applications to canonical bases.




Dual canonical bases of the irreducible polynomial representations of U_q(gl_n)


월요일 16:00 - 17:00

First, we will construct dual canonical bases of symmetric and exterior powers of the natural representations of U_n=U_q(gl_n). And then, we will derive dual canonical bases of the irreducible polynomial representation of U_n by realizing the representation by means of a homomorphism between symmetric and exterior powers.




Twisted Zhu algebras and Finite W-algebras


화요일 11:00 - 12:00

For a given vertex algebra, one can associate an associative algebra called a twisted Zhu algebra provided a proper gradation on the vertex algebra. As one of the most important example, a finite W-algebra is a twisted Zhu algebra of an affine W-algebra. In this talk, I will explain twisted Zhu algebras by showing some examples, including finite W-algebras, and review some representation theory behind them.




The relation between (affine) yangian and (affine) rectangular W-algebra


화요일 14:30 - 15:30

In this talk, we review the relationship between RTT formalism and Drinfeld (current) presentation of the Yangian of type A. Using this connection, we interpret the isomorphism, introduced by Brundan-Kleshchev, from the Yangian of type A to finite rectangular W-algebra of type A. Also, we briefly review the homomorphism, constructed by Ueda, from the affine yangian to the universal enveloping algebra of the rectangular affine W-algebra and explain the relation between Brundan-Kleshchev’s map and Ueda’s map.




Dirac reductions and classical W-algebras


화요일 16:00 - 17:00

Dirac reduction is the way to deal with Hamiltonian mechanics with constraints. In this talk, I explain the structures of classical W-algebras in terms of the modified Dirac reduction and why this modification is needed. If time allows, I will tell you that the results in our work which are extended to W-superalgebra with (or without) supersymmetric context. This is the joint work with Arim Song and Uhirinn Suh.




Quantum virtual Grothendieck rings and Canonical basis


수요일 14:30 - 15:30

Let g be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra over C. When g is of simply-laced type, a t-deformation K_t(g) of the Grothendieck ring of a category of finite-dimensional modules over a quantum loop algebra U_q(Lg) has a rich structure, especially (I) a deep connection with the dual canonical basis of the quantum group U_q(g) and (II) quantum cluster algebra structure of skew-symmetric type. In this talk, I briefly introduce the quantum virtual Grothendieck ring K_q(g), which can be viewed as a non-trivial generalization of K_t(g) for simply-laced types. Focused on the viewpoint of (I), I mainly explain some bases of K_q(g). Those bases are closely related to the dual-canonical/upper-global basis of finite type. This talk is based on joint work with Kyu-Hwan Lee and Se-jin Oh.




A q-analogue of Jantzen's sum formula


목요일 09:30 - 10:30

The Jantzen sum formula played an important role in calculating the decomposition number of symmetric groups. James and Mathas developed a q-analogue of Jantzen's sum formula and used it to characterize irreducible Weyl modules. In this talk, we will study the q-analogue of Jantzen's sum formula based on Mathas' book "Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Schur algebras of the symmetric group".




The blocks of Hecke algebra and q-Schur algebra and their irreducible modules


목요일 11:00 - 12:00

In this talk, I explain the blocks of Hecke algebra and q-Schur algebra, which is a building block of their module category. In addition, I'll give some results on the irreducibility of well-known modules, such as Weyl modules and Specht modules. This is a summary of Chapter 5 of the main reference: Andrew Mathas, Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Schur algebras of symmetric groups (1999).




Deformation of W-algebras and theirs relation to quantum affine algebras


목요일 14:30 - 15:30

Deformed W-algebras have been studied by many mathematicians because of their interesting relation to integrable models associated to quantum affine algebras. In this talk, I will explain the construction of deformed W-algebra suggested by E.Frenkel, N.Reshetikhin, M.A. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, which is an analogue of Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction for non-deformed W-algebras. If time permits, I will also explain its relation to quantum affine algebras by describing deformed Miura transformation.




Integrable model, R-matrix, quantum affine algebra, and q-character


목요일 16:00 - 17:00

The q-character is one of the most significant tools for finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras. On one hand, one can regard the q-character as a kind of formal character and study it. On the other hand, the construction of it is largely motivated from a method of integrable systems, which is designed to solve the spectral problem of the Hamiltonian. The goal of this talk is to understand in this vein the corresponding (1+1)D quantum integrable model in terms of representations of quantum affine algebra. As always the key role is played by the R-matrix, which will be demonstrated in the toy example: spin 1/2 XXX chain.