


Opening Ceremony (10:15-10:30)

Moderator: Hyunjoo Jung(SNUAC & Environmental Planning)

Opening Address

Soojin Park (Director of SNUAC)

Session 1: Migration Governance and Institution in South Korea and Taiwan (10:30-12:30)

Moderator: Pei-Chia Lan (NTUGARC & Sociology)

Skill and Co-Ethnicity in Construction of (Im)Mobilities of Labor Migrants in South Korea (10:30-10:50)

Hyunjoo Jung/Jaemin Song (SNUAC & Environmental Planning)

The Institutionalization of Temporariness: Taiwan's Skilled Immigration Policy and Its Consequences (10:50-11:10)

Yen-Fen Tseng (NTUGARC & Sociology)

The Precariatization of Asian Students Working as Irregular Workers in South Korea (11:10-11:30)

Minkyung Koh/YoonKyung Kwak (SNUAC & Geography Education at Kyungpook Nat’l Univ. / Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs)

What Influences Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in East Asian Cities? Exploring Evidence from Social Values Survey in Asian Cities (11:30-11:50)

Jungwon Huh (SNUAC)

Panel Discussion: Weejun Park (University of Kentucky & Geography) (11:50-12:00)

Q&A (12:00-12:30)

Session 2: Identity Negotiation and Everyday Practices of Migrants (14:00-16:00)

Moderator: Hyunjoo Jung(SNUAC & Environmental Planning)

Geopolitical, Neoliberal, and Rescaling Multiculturalism: Identity Negotiation of Second-Generation Children in Taiwan (14:00-14:20)

Pei-Chia Lan (NTUGARC & Sociology)

Navigating Beyond North Korea Based on Formal and Informal Networks: North Korean Female Elite Defectors’ Intersectionality of Challenges and Opportunities (14:20-14:40)

HaeRan Shin (SNUAC & Geography)

Mothers are Strong when You Put a Brave Face on it: the Practice of Motherhood among Taiwanese Wives in Korea (14:40-15:00)

Tsung-yi Michelle Huang (NTUGARC & Geography)

"I Make my Own Life!": Iranian Female Students’ Journeys of Self-Discovery in Korea (15:00-15:20)

Gi Yeon Koo (SNUAC)

Panel Discussion: Sunyoung Choi (SNUAC & Geography) (15:20-15:30)

Q&A (15:30-16:00)